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Comment Re:The rustiest excuse (Score 2) 49

OK, clearly you've got some strong (and negative) opinions about Scott Logic, and you are of course entitled to them. But I do want to at least address the facts.

> Scott Logic is a tiny little irrelevant consultancy

462 people, doesn't seem tiny or irrelevant.

> that largely just picks up the dregs in the regions they operate

Far from it, we hire the best we can find. Also, we're not elitest, we pride ourselves on hiring junior folk and training them up.

> they pay for lots of different recruitment agencies to find people for them, reject the candidates via the agency, then track the candidates down with their own internal recruiters for example on LinkedIn to offer the staff they rejected "another chance" to bypass the agencies that found the candidates for them.

Yes, we use recruitments firms, it is standard practice - and yes, we hire direct too. But we don't bypass the agencies to avoid paying them for the hard work we do. We treat them with respect, just like our people and our clients.

> So don't expect them to have the slightest clue what they're talking about.

Can you evidence that? What about this specific post on WebAssembly implies we don't have a clue?

> They're the sort of consultancy you'd go with if you were incredibly naive, knew nothing about computers and they just happened to be the first ones that came along and promised you the world.

Again, take a look at the Scott Logic blog - where is the evidence that our team is full of naive people who know nothing about computers? I have deep respect for my colleagues.

> They can't hold a candle to the other consultancies in the places they operate who beat them on just about every metric that matters such as amount and quality of talent, as well as number of successful contracts delivered.

Again, where is your evidence?

Look, I understand that for some reason you don't like Scott Logic. You are also perfectly welcome to share this dislike publicly. However, your comments feel quite disrespectful to the 462 people that have chosen to work at Scott Logic.

Colin E.

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