A few years ago, this was my daily routine:
7AM: Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and race out the door to the train station.
745-850: Go over my code on my laptop during my train ride.
9AM-6PM: Work straight through the day, no lunch break.
630PM-730PM: Work on my code during the train ride home.
8PM: Eat dinner.
830-11PM: Work on my code.
Sometimes, 2AM-4AM: Work on my code.
Saturday & Sunday, ~10AM-6PM: Work on my code.
All the while, my managers are talking about how much they hate me because I'm not getting things done fast enough. The programmer who sits next to me chimes in, "You guys don't understand! Autodesk has 20 PHD's working on what you have him working on all by himself. They didn't care.
After nearly a year like this, as my train home was arriving to the platform, my little voice was telling me,
"Just step out in front of that train, and this will all be over."
Fortunately, they fired me.