Comment Re:Open to Questions (Score 1) 1310
What are your plans for sourceforge?
What are your plans for sourceforge?
I would assume based on the OP/summary, it's dual licensed MPL/GPL source code, otherwise you are correct...
However, the summary also mentions iOS, and I was under the impression that GPL apps on the Apple AppStore are a no go?
Due to the number of growing exploits against SOHO routers, SmartTVs, UEFI firmware, etc... we at work now tend to refer to IoT as BoT... aka Internet of Things == BotNet of Things...
And it's a simple case of not if, but when this will happen...
Would really love to see some high resolution / high DPI monitors with wide aspect ratios...
As someone who has been running a dual monitor setup since before LCD monitors became mainstream, I really like the idea of 21:9 aspect that LG has brought to market. But would love for it be wider (so it can replace a typical dual monitor setup), closer to 3:1 aspect ratio, and with a vertical resolution of no less than 2160 pixels... (so a screen like 6480 x 2160 would be really nice in a ~31" diagonal form factor).
Regarding DPI, so sick on this sub 100 DPI crap PC monitors are stuck with. If a cheap phone can have 220+DPI, why can't we have the same in a monitor! (note: The above res on a 31" panel would have a DPI of 216).
PS. Currently running 2x 20" 1680x1050 in my setup... so would like something to better this 9yr old setup...
Something is not right here... The Q8200 is 64bit capable (as are most Core 2 Quad's) -
Also you mention you have 8GB RAM, so unless you're 100% sure you are using a PAE enabled 32bit kernel, you won't be using 8GB of RAM effectively if you have a 32bit kernel running. (Since 32bit kernels without PAE can only address 4GB).
The only thing the Q8200 lacks is VT-x, but for a FreeNAS (or any storage server) setup that's a mute point...
You might to double check you hardware and setup...
Just wondering if I could plug it into my Linux desktop, and copy files to/from easily or do I have to play for MS crapware to fully use.
IIRC, the Windows Phone MTP stack works really well with libmtp (the main MTP client stack in FOSS land), so for any modern distro it should be plug-n-play... (providing it uses a modern version of go-mtpfs, gMTP, gvfs-mtp or kio-mtp).
I personally have an Android phone (HTC Desire X), so can't provide first hand experience with WP and Linux, but the libmtp mailing list/bug list has very few reports for WP8 issues.
Disclaimer: I am the lead dev for gMTP.
Both Ant and Maven can compile C/C++ code, either through native support or via plugins.
Maven: and
Mind you, we have so many build tools available, why not just pick one that suites you and your target environment? (eg make for C/C++, groovy/ivy/maven for Java, etc).
eg cmake and scons all are popular as well...
Only played with this quickly but:
1. The main page fails on the W3C HTML5 validator. Seriously, don't the devs run this first before pushing to production. (Or don't web developers actually do automated testing)?
2. Horribly broken with javascript off. (The "more comments" button takes you to the main page)? Yes, I browse
3. My screen reader can't read it. (It would appear that the new site has several issues, namely lack of any appreciation for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)) Which is a MASSIVE FAIL to anyone with a disability, especially for those that rely on screen readers or even screen magnifiers. The layout also breaks if you use large fonts as well. Oh, I'm not a citizen of the US, but aren't there federal guidelines for accessibility, and not following them gets your ass sued for discrimination?
4. As others have mentioned, the whitespace, the general lack of identity (it looks like a cheap blog) all have negative impacts as well.
CPU: Intel Atom D2500 1.86 GHz Duo Core, Intel 945GSE + ICH7M
Atom D25xx and D26xx being CedarView based CPUs all have PowerVR SGX545 based GPUs (aka GMA3600), so does this mean that PowerVR has developed a working Linux / X11 driver for the GPU, or have they simply disabled the PowerVR GPU and using the GPU from the 945GSE chipset?
Seems a waste on many levels to have disabled silicon on the CPU and using the GPU from the chipset...
IMHO, they would have been better off using the Atom N570, despite losing some clock speed, the N570 GPU is 100% supported by the Intel graphics drivers and works extremely well under Linux. (My N570 power netbook running Arch would easily get 7-8 hours with light coding / web browsing and 5-6 hours watching videos). Alternativeely one of the AMD APUs would also have been an excellent fit for what they are trying to do.
We've lived in our current place for about 3 years now, and we still get at least 1 piece of mail each month for old tenants who rented our place before us!
We've gotten everything from drivers license renewal notices, vehicle registration notices, taxation letters (Australian Tax Office), voting enrollment notices, even had debt collection letters and for a few weeks even phone calls from debt collectors! (They stopped once we advised the debt collector that the old person no longer lives at the address, we don't know them and we had forwarded the matter to the police as we constitute what they are doing to us is harassment - that was after daily calls for 3 weeks asking for the person at ungodly hours, eg calls at 6am, 9pm, 6pm. The police actually did follow the matter up and advised them to stop calling/contacting us once they verified our own claims. I asked for charges to be laid, but they would only do so if they called again once the police asked them to stop).
Mind, not as bad as my mother-in-law. She has received a Christmas card for the last 20 years for the person that lived in her house prior to her. And she and her husband bought their house 20 years ago!
Latest move was to Solaris 11... yes, yes, I know we all hate Oracle...
My migration path over the years has been:
DOS 3.3 -> 6.22 w/Windows 3.1
Windows 95 / OS/2 (dual boot)
Windows NT4 / Red Hat Linux
Windows 2000 / Red Hat Linux / Mandrake Linux (dual boot)
Windows XP x64 / Crux Linux / FreeBSD (dual boot)
FreeBSD / Arch Linux (dual boot)
OpenSolaris (back when it was still SXCE/SXDE)
Solaris 11 (Desktop) / Arch Linux (netbook)
and have about 8 OSes in VMs currently for testing...
The above doesn't include all the others tested over time, eg BeOS, QNX, MenuetOS, a bunch of hobby stuff, etc.
Actually it's probably not the CPU core, but the GPU included. The last Atoms to be produced (N570) had a GPU still largely based on the i945G chipset, and the other crop had a GPU done by PowerVR (no Linux support). Either way, great for 2D, no good for 3D. IIRC, the new Atoms will have a newer GPU core based on the same GPU core as SB? (could be horribly wrong, but it's a new GPU based on an existing Intel design).
Let's not forget most netbooks have a 1024x600 display, and MS mandated displays with at least a 768 pixel height for Metro applications. Mind you I have seen personally Win8 running on a netbook, but had problems with Metro because of the screen resolution. But in desktop mode it worked fine...
Anyway, Smells like someone is drinking too much Koolaid...
Yes, it's called Lyx
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith