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Comment It makes sense. (Score 1) 422

Why would any company want to compete on the level that they did these past five years (excluding the Wii)?

Sony and Microsoft, pushing forward with their loss leaders.. only just now starting to etch out a good portion of the market that they're actually making money.

Of course, even after all this time, it still deserves to be said how amazingly the Wii massacred the other two. Though.. now that MS and Sony have a more.. non-hardcore offering, where will this lead them?

Only time will tell, and interesting it will be, either way!

Comment Re:Majority != geeks (Score 1) 345

It's weird in a sense that I could be called a 'pirate'.. If there's a game I want to play, I usually own it on one system or another. The majority being the Xbox, as it's far more difficult to play downloaded games on. The thing is, though, is that I usually buy a game on the Xbox and then download it on the computer. So I've paid for their software, once. I see no reason to have to give them 120 dollars for the same thing over 60. Maybe this means I'm pirate, maybe not?

Comment Re: Facebook Is Down (Score 1) 448

I love the condescending attitude of some /.'ers involving social networks. As a deployed military member, often my only stable way of contact with family and friends is over Facebook. In this, I see it as a valuable tool. It's more stable and far more easily accessible than grabbing a phone from 10,000 other people who all want to talk to their family. But yeah, nothing of value was lost. :)

Comment No.. (Score 0, Troll) 453

The U.S. needs to kill off the idiotic youth that will soon be our main work-force. Out of curiosity, I asked a 20 year old full time student who the former vice president of America was for the past 8 years was.. I get a "?????".

When asked which celebrity recently just passed away.. it was an immediate response full of confidence and knowing. There ya go.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
