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Comment Re:The whole automation is missing the point (Score 1) 119

The reason that you're finding it so hard to find non-dimmers in the UK is that we typically don't have a neutral wire in our lighting circuits.

With a dimmer, even when it's turned off it still allows a tiny vampiric current through the circuit - this is to keep the device powered and listening for commands. This current can occasionally be enough to make the bulbs react, which is why most dimmers recommend the inclusion of a bypass in the circuit.

With relays, and a hard on/off decision, there can be no vampiric current. Therefore, when in the 'off' position, the device itself loses power and is unable to respond to commands, negating the whole point of the system.

Relays are usable when there is a neutral wire present, as they can stay powered without opening the circuit, but that's not possible in most UK lighting environments, hence why there are so few non-dimmer solutions on the UK market.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 360

Don't bet on it.

Factorio, as the game from the above list with which I am most familiar, is a beast for performance. Your CPU will manage a small base without issue, and so meets the minimum specs, but will struggle massively once you increase the size and complexity of your base.

Factorio has a base clock of 60 updates per second (UPS). Frames per second (FPS) are limited to UPS, as there is no point displaying two consecutive, identical frames. So you start the game at 60 UPS, which means that your CPU has 16.6666 milliseconds to process each 'tick', and your CPU blazes through it it only 2 or 3 milliseconds. Once your base gets more complex, and there are more entities to track, that tick gets longer and longer, and once it passes 16.6666, you drop below 60 UPS. Large bases can fall to 10 UPS, even on monster PCs. I have an i7 6700 clocked at 4.6GHz, and it doesn't take long for me to drop below 60 UPS. Once you're in the 20 UPS range the game is really unplayable.

With Factorio it's important that your CPU is beefy, but apparently it's your RAM latency that can really make the difference due to the fact that the whole world is recalculated every tick.

While it's easy to say that Factorio will run on your 9 year old i7 950, that's if you only scratch the surface of the game. Performance of Factorio is most definitely limited by our current architecture.

Comment Re:One is lonely (Score 1) 309

Hmm, I'm not sure about changing the base from 10 as an acceptable method. Can't I just decide that, for the problem of 20747222 467734852078216 952221076085874 80996474721117292 752992589 912196684750549658, I am working in base 20747222 467734852078216 952221076085874 80996474721117292 752992589 912196684750549658?

Comment Re:What a laughable conclusion by Judge Black (Score 1) 184

So the SC has ruled you have to give a physical key, but not a combination. Very clear.

No, you've misread. In the 1988 case, the judge who lost 8-1 used this argument, that a key is different from a combination. But he lost. The other 8 judges voted against him. Therefore, it was established in 1988 that there is no difference between a key and a combination, and neither counted as evidence, ergo no violation of the 5th amendment.

Once you've digested why this judge referenced the 1988 case, you can see that he actually ruled in line with the previous ruling. The defendant cannot be compelled to bear witness against himself, but it has been ruled that providing a key or combination is not bearing witness.

Very clear.

Comment Re:Plasma (Score 1) 103

My understanding is that the blue pixels fade faster only in RGB-OLED displays. The current generation of LG OLEDs don't use RGB-OLED, they use W-OLED (which they've got patented so only LG have them), which suffer from none of the fading or burn-in that older sets did.

Still, they're expensive, but the downsides of the early models are affecting perception of the current models, despite the current models exhibiting none of the earlier issues.

Comment Re:Amazon Echo (Score 1) 101

I don't understand your position here. You seem to troll every thread on the subject of voice activated assistants in order to slag off the Echo, but you're spouting nonsense.

You frequently claim that 'no one really uses one', but that simply isn't the case. Or perhaps it is, if you mean that 'anyone who uses one often goes on to buy a second'. I have 2 in the house, and they're great. My wife uses them more than I do, but they are a fantastic convenience factor. Not necessary for anything, but handy for dozens of tasks per day.

For those that are interested in the positives, we find Alexa especially useful when cooking, especially meals that have different items with different oven timings. Bang something in the oven and "Alexa, set a timer for 12 minutes". Go do your thing, then she'll call you back when it's time to put the Naan in, and you set her for another 8 minutes. Like I say not necessary, but handy, especially with greasy fingers. "Alexa, play something relaxing" while my wife does some work. "Alexa, turn off the Livingroom lights" once we've settled down for a movie and can't be bothered getting up. "Alexa: Wikipedia: Blake Lively" when we watch end up arguing about who she's married to.

Comment Re:Steam, only with creepy privacy invasion? (Score 1) 116

worst of all - if your city starts building something, you can't change it until it's complete

Erm, you definitely can change what a city is currently building. I'm thinking about how to do it, and I'm coming up blank on how you would find it confusing, there are several intuitive ways to do it, two of which are:

1) Click City, click 'Contrruction', click what you want to build.
2) On the City's bar (over the city itself, not the UI overlay), click the cogwheel at the right hand side; this will bring up the construction menu.

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