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Comment Re:This is Frick'n great.. (Score 1) 230

You could always do what AT&T told me to do when they could only hit me with 384Kbps reliably, go around and get my neighbors to sign a petition saying that with extra bandwidth they'd switch to AT&T that I would then deliver to the AT&T business office in hopes that we'd get scheduled for a closer netpop within the next couple of years. :]

Comment Re:Location = experience (Score 1) 196

Amusingly enough I live in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago and the best that AT&T can deliver to me is flaky 384Kpbs and my Comcast connection has been rock solid and fast. :] An AT&T tech once suggested that I go around to all of my neighbors and get them to sign a petition that I could turn into the AT&T business office in order for AT&T to consider upgrading their equipment in my neighborhood. Another AT&T tech once tried to bill me for a customer premises equipment issue because I was losing signal every night. He blamed it on the fact that I had an AMD processor and wanted me to sign for the $150 visit.

Submission + - Lidar finds overgrown Maya pyramids (

AlejoHausner writes: A team of archeologists scanned the jungle of Belize with lidar. Although most of the reflections came from the jungle canopy, some light reflected off the ground surface. Using this, suddenly hidden pyramids, agricultural terraces, and ancient roads are revealed, at 6-inch resolution. The NY Times has the story.

Comment Re:SELL! (Score 1, Insightful) 643

Yeah, so "radically damaged" that in a matter of minutes the market had recovered and many trades that would have the potential of affecting longer term outcomes are being reviewed by the exchanges to see if they qualify as "Clearly Erroneous" so they can be busted.

GP is right. If your long term financial outlook can be unhinged by intra-day market moves you've got something seriously wrong with your long term financial plan.

Comment Re:When I tried (Score 2, Insightful) 86

A general rule of thumb is that latency and throughput are opposing interests. For the majority of users and uses occasional latency is a good tradeoff for higher overall throughput and performance. For realtime applications low latency is a good tradeoff for lower overall performance. Linux can be tuned in many ways for many different use cases and may not suit your needs right out of the box.

Comment Re:For everyone who is going WTF who is Glenn Beck (Score 1) 1172

Glenn Beck (and the whole of the Fox News Network actually) has made a career out of presenting "questions" that are highly inflammatory and have no right answers. In addition he vehemently denies attacking anyone, he's just asking questions and he's perfectly willing to have the person defend themselves... all they have to do is answer the question.

For example, when talking to a Muslim Democrat he asks questions along the lines of "Now I think you're a good guy, but there are many Americans, hard working Americans, who look at you and think this guy is a terrorist. And I've got to say this is something that is on a lot of minds and worries a lot of people. People see you and wonder if you've got a secret terrorist agenda. What would you say to these people?"

See... he's just voicing the concerns of the nation and all the Muslim has to do is prove that he's not a terrorist... And anyone with a shred of common sense understands that A) Glenn Beck is "expressing the concerns and fear" to create concern and fear and B) There is no way to prove a negative. Especially to the satisfaction of those who are convinced otherwise.

The particular meme of Glenn Beck raping and murdering a young girl in 1990 came from a Gilbert Gottfried roast of Bob Saget.

Comment Re:Python (Score 3, Insightful) 110

Python 2.x as well as 3.x will live alongside 2.4 quite happily.   Just build your own RPM and you're golden.

Here... have a specfile for 2.6.2 and modify to your own heart's content... (IIRC you have to unpack the tarball, rename the directory to Python-2.6.2, and repack to make this work, but nothing else.)

%define dist %(uname_r=`uname -r | egrep 2.6.9`; if [ "$uname_r" != "" ];then dist_tmp="el4";else dist_tmp="el5";fi ; echo "$dist_tmp")

Summary         : Python 2.6.2
Name            : Python
Version         : 2.6.2
Source              : Python-2.6.2.tgz
Release         : 1.%{?dist}
Group           : Development
Packager        : cheile
License         : Open Source
AutoReqProv     : no
PreReq          : /bin/sh, /bin/bash
BuildRoot   : %{_builddir}/%{name}-root

Python 2.6.2

rm -rf %buildroot/*


./configure --with-threads --with-zlib=/usr/include --prefix=/usr/local/python2 --enable-bz2

mkdir %buildroot/usr/local/bin/
ln -sf /usr/local/python2/bin/python %buildroot/usr/local/bin/python2.6
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.6 %buildroot/usr/local/bin/python2-latest


Comment Re:Yes, go for it. (Score 1) 918

Huh? If anything from what I have seen from MOST parents it would be quite the opposite.

Oh no! Little Johnny got A BUMP we must stop this from EVER happening again! Quick get a HELMET!

The child is exploring their world and you're both jumping to some insane conclusion that the kid HAS to be protected and slamming all parents in the process.

Let kids be and they'll make many discoveries on their own.

Comment Re:Mr. Reality Check Here (Score 1) 740

The other amendment I'd add is over this:

(c). In order to assure a minimum of false positives, the State of Illinois would have to implement a comprehensive insurance-to-registration tag database that would be automatically updated by the insurance companies within seconds of issuing or changing a policy.

The Chicago Dept. of Revenue couldn't care less about false positives. They'll just ticket anyone and everyone the same way that they do now. No parking on one side of the street on Wednesday? We'll just ticket both sides. No parking within 15' of a fire hydrant? Sounds like 50' to me! Feel free to take your own personal time to contest the tickets and, if you're lucky, we'll rescind the fine. If not, tough luck!

Then there's this lovely bit of news:,0,6344552.column

Comment Re:1 Parent at 4AM (Score 1) 599

It's all a fiendish plot by Sandra Boynton to make huge stacks of cash from us parents by making books that kids love and parents don't detest!

That fiend!

Great... now I've got Pajama Time stuck in my head...

Comment 1 Parent at 4AM (Score 1) 599

My 1 yr old daughter got up at 4AM this morning and wanted to read Hippos Go Berserk (which she tells us by making the sign for book, shaking her head back and forth, and going "Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!" like the Hippos do.) and, not feeling the urge to actually get the book and turn on a light, I simply recited the book from memory.

It worked... she was happy... and went back to sleep about 20 minutes later.

This poll rules! :]
The Internet

Submission + - Amazon launches answers service (beta)

Fennec writes: " has launched a beta of a new service called Askville, yet another online answers service, flavored with "Experience Points, Levels, and Quest Coins." These coins will supposedly become useful some day on another Amazon service that's not actually open yet, Questville. If this virtual currency becomes useful, could Askville fill a place between strictly volunteer systems and pay-for-answer services like the now-defunct Google Answers? Or is it destined to fail in the already-saturated online Q&A market?"

Colossal Squid Landed Intact In Antarctica 85

zakkie writes "New Zealand fisherman have caught a massive 450-kg colossal squid in Antarctic waters. This is by far the biggest yet found, measuring over 10 meters in length and weighing 450 kg. It has been taken back to New Zealand for study." The NZ government's announcement page features a downloadable backgrounder on the colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) and a 1.1-MB popup portrait of the animal in the fishing boat's hold.

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