Yeah, so "radically damaged" that in a matter of minutes the market had recovered and many trades that would have the potential of affecting longer term outcomes are being reviewed by the exchanges to see if they qualify as "Clearly Erroneous" so they can be busted.
GP is right. If your long term financial outlook can be unhinged by intra-day market moves you've got something seriously wrong with your long term financial plan.
Oh, I dunno the Westboro Baptist Church is pretty small from what I hear.
Glenn Beck (and the whole of the Fox News Network actually) has made a career out of presenting "questions" that are highly inflammatory and have no right answers. In addition he vehemently denies attacking anyone, he's just asking questions and he's perfectly willing to have the person defend themselves... all they have to do is answer the question.
For example, when talking to a Muslim Democrat he asks questions along the lines of "Now I think you're a good guy, but there are many Americans, hard working Americans, who look at you and think this guy is a terrorist. And I've got to say this is something that is on a lot of minds and worries a lot of people. People see you and wonder if you've got a secret terrorist agenda. What would you say to these people?"
See... he's just voicing the concerns of the nation and all the Muslim has to do is prove that he's not a terrorist... And anyone with a shred of common sense understands that A) Glenn Beck is "expressing the concerns and fear" to create concern and fear and B) There is no way to prove a negative. Especially to the satisfaction of those who are convinced otherwise.
The particular meme of Glenn Beck raping and murdering a young girl in 1990 came from a Gilbert Gottfried roast of Bob Saget.
For Centos it is already in the CentOS Plus kernel. ( )
As others have mentioned it is available in RHEL as a preview which I believe means that it's available but they don't provide official support for it.
Huh? If anything from what I have seen from MOST parents it would be quite the opposite.
Oh no! Little Johnny got A BUMP we must stop this from EVER happening again! Quick get a HELMET!
The child is exploring their world and you're both jumping to some insane conclusion that the kid HAS to be protected and slamming all parents in the process.
Let kids be and they'll make many discoveries on their own.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.