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Comment Mabey it just wasn't a good time to upgrade? (Score 5, Funny) 289

"Hi it says I need to upgrade my RAM, what is that?"... "RAM is a part of your computer, if you have more of it, you can expect it to run faster... tell me what your computer is running and I'll see if I can help you out."... "Uh, right now the computer is running Bob's heart and lungs for him."

Comment Re:Eeesh... (Score 0) 289

Hospitals are big on not messing with things that work.

Well, NT didn't work to begin with, that was the problem. At the risk of sounding apprehinsive and alarmist... I prefer to not apply the "just don't change anything and everything will be fine" creedo, doubly so to critical equipment. Because thats what this story is all about, somebody changed something simple and everything went kablooey.

Comment Rape (Score 1) 123

The definition for rape on the listing seems a bit exclusive... "Rape: The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.". I understand the opposite sex may not have the same problem, but is that really a good reason to exclude them from the very definition of rape?

$93,803 a Year to Do Nothing 20

According to Randall Hinton he is paid $93,803 a year to do nothing. As an employee of the New York State Insurance Fund his work day consists of: listening to rock 'n' roll, blues or classical tunes and placing his feet up on his desk, staring out his office window and counting cars on the New York State Thruway. He sees no one and talks to no one at work and it's been this way for almost a decade. Since February 2002, Hinton has been director of investigations for the Insurance Fund, but he said he has never been allowed to investigate anything. Hinton contends he is without portfolio as retaliation for suing Gov. George Pataki's administration 10 years ago. In a January 2002 settlement in his suit against then-DEC Commissioner John Cahill (who later became Pataki's top deputy) and then-Assistant DEC Commissioner James W. Tuffey (now Albany's police chief) he was guaranteed state employment as a director of investigations. If I were Randall, I would enjoy my exile, but he's a bit more ambitious and has filed a complaint with the Division of Human Rights claiming discrimination stemming from the retaliation of his original claim against the DEC.

Political Upheaval In Fictional Czech State 21

Rog-Mahal writes "The fictional Kingdom of Wallachia has made the front page of Czech newspapers lately. The practical joke turned tourist attraction started by photographer Tomas Harabis has been locked is a power struggle between Bolek Polivka, the current king, and Harabis, the foreign minister. The faux country has received international attention over the years: 'Wallachia makes money several ways, including offering tastings of its famed plum brandy, slivovitz, to corporate clients. Its biggest source of revenue is the Wallachian passport, which costs the equivalent of $7.69. There are roughly 90,000 citizens of the make-believe nation, once including George W. Bush, who was given a passport some years ago by a Czech living in Texas. Mr. Bush's citizenship was revoked in 2003 after the United States invaded Iraq. The passport has created some confusion, however. When a man from Pakistan recently asked the kingdom for political asylum, Mr. Harabis said he had to gently explain that Wallachia was not a real country. The Wallachian passport now warns: "This passport is not yet an official document of the Czech Republic."' We can only hope for a peaceful end to hostilities."

Comment I work a government job (Score 1) 1055

I work in a unionized government job in Canada, under the SGEU. We negotiated every second Friday off into our contract. My work hours are 8:30 - 5:00 with one fifteen minute breaks and half an hour for lunch. My previous job did not have every second Friday off, but offered the same schedule except with an hour fifteen for lunch and two 15 minute breaks. That 1 hour a day adds up. I feel it does not affect my workload or performance and I get another full day off a week! I couldn't be happier.

Nanocar Wins Top Science Award 175

Lucas123 writes "A researcher who built a car slightly larger than a strand of DNA won the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize for experimental nanotechnology. James Tour, a professor of chemistry at Rice Univ. built a car only 4 nanometers in width in order to demonstrate that nanovehicles could be controlled enough to deliver payloads to build larger objects, such as memory chips and, someday, even buildings, like a self-assembling machine. Tour and a team of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers constructed a car with chassis, working suspension, wheels and a motor. 'You shine light on it and the motor spins in one direction and pushes the car like a paddle wheel on the surface,' Tour said. The team also built a truck that can carry a payload."

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