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PC Games (Games)

Dave Perry Shows Off Cloud Gaming Service "Gaikai" 79

jasoncart writes "Veteran gaming man Dave Perry has shown off his OnLive-rivalling, cloud gaming service called Gaikai in a new video that is drawing a lot of attention. As you can see from the video, Perry plays World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Mario Kart 64, Spore and more — all running on a bog-standard computer through the Gaikai website, itself running in a normal version of Firefox." More details about the service are available at Perry's website. He spoke about Gaikai in an interview a few months ago, and he seems confident that this will work better than OnLive (which we've discussed in the past).

Comment Re:No swaggering... (Score 1) 500

They are inalienable rights that all human beings have (or should have).


The "rights" you have are those given to you by Society saying "if you do x to person y then consequence z will happen".

Those "Rights" are decided at the founding of the Society, but however can modified at the consent of society/whim of the ruling class.

Human beings have no more "inalienable" rights than anything else on the planet.

Also do you know the meaning of the word inalienable?

From the Collins Dictionary

inalienable ADJ
    not able to be taken away or transferred to another â the inalienable rights of the citizen

The example refers to a citizen, not to a human being, the rights referred to being those conferred by citizenship.

I think you will find that with the aid of Messers Smith and Wesson I could quite easily take away your inalienable right to life, which in doing so would prove it to NOT be inalienable.

Comment Just how much use is..... (Score 5, Insightful) 857 Assigned to 01:23:45:67:89:01 20090220135000

Going to be when the 1st bit is a setting made by me and the MAC address is easily Spoofable.

What next - everyone must register the MAC addresses of all their network kit and sanctions if you change it ?

More idiocy from people that dont understand how stuff works.

Comment Re:Oh, that's all right then (Score 1) 409

Not the point. Just assume all your datorz are belong to them. Then leave, without prey to feed on they will die. Instead they issue a half-arsed apology saying "our bad" and "we didnt mean it that way" and the sheeple just say - "ok then, thats cool". You dont get anything for nothing - they have to have a way of making cash off of everything - bandwidth is not cheap........

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