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Journal Chacham's Journal: Question: Worst movie(s) 31

What is the worst movie you have ever (partly) seen?

Not a movie that is so bad you watch it again to complain about it (Superman 3, Star Trek 5) or even a movie that is just plain wrong (Ten commandments) or "wrong" (Bill and Ted's) or anything of that sort. Rather a movie that is so horrid, it is unwatchable the first time around, let alone a second time, or you feel like paying another person just so they don't watch it.

The only move i think i couldn't finish watching do to it's absolute horridity is Home Alone. (Culkin is even a worse actor than Daniel Radcliffe). Other movies would be Superman IV, Star Trek 10, and Spiderman. All of which i cannot imagine watching again without a very good reason. They are not good, funny, or have any merit whatsoever. At least in my opinion.

What would be your list?

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Question: Worst movie(s)

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  • Queen of the Damn was pretty bad; I would certainly not watch it again. Dracula 2000 was pretty bad as well; I wanted to leave the movie theater but I had a company and I had to stay. If I had not been with her, I would not have watched the movie or wasted my precious $10.00.
  • Mother's Day (Score:2, Interesting)

    by heliocentric ( 74613 ) *
    I don't know, that movie was pretty horrible, but I'm inexplicably drawn to it... I want to see it again... I think it is entirely becuase I just could not beleive my eyes, did I see what I just saw? Did he just eat cereal out of a bucket? With a large wooden spoon? Did his mother just tell him to rape that woman?

    That and when I saw it in the theater with this 6' 5" creepy red neck who kept going "Hu-huh get'er Huuuu" everytime one of the hicks chased a girl so I sort of missed the full viewing experien
  • Or at least one of them? I don't know enough about you to be able to enumerate what I am sure are your *abundant* flaws. But that notwithstanding...

    You are WAY too focused on the negative.
    • "What term do you *hate*?"

    • "What movie was the *worst*?"
      "Who can I foe?"

    Really? Have you noticed that you're like the *only* person on /. who uses the "foe" feature? You have nearly as many foes as you do friends. What good does that do you? Why do you bother to enable comments, anyway, if people are just going to hurt

    • Have you noticed that you're like the *only* person on /. who uses the "foe" feature?

      That's just patently false. Check out my other [slashdot.org] freaks [slashdot.org].

      Now, his focus on negativity, that I'll give you. Additionally, his unwarranted elitism, and the fact that he doesn't understand how truly bad a movie can be. Spiderman? Fuck, man. You need to see "Master of Disguise." Only then will you understand just how horribly cringingly bad bad can be.

      (Oh, and he also will likely not get a message regarding your reply b
      • Hmmmm.... setzman is an interesting case. He first had me on his friend list, and one day, out of the blue he changed that.

        Oh, well, freaks just happen ;-) I happen to have 5 (real) freaks by now, and counting *grin*....

        • if you use curse words he'll often foe you. there are some other criteria, but i don't remember them.

          i use bad words all the time, but usually use other words online because the person reading it doesn't get the nuance of the intonation. though i still hold that my 10 year high school reunion was some whack-ass shit. that isn't directed at anyone but my experience. i don't think you can hurt feelings of your own experiences.

          i just try to think of it as some people taking things more seriously than oth
      • you're like the *only* person

        A-ha! I *knew* someone would try to call me out on that one -- which is why I used the obligatory California qualifier of "like!" That leaves a LOT of leeway. Obviously, there are a lot of punk trolls around using the foe system. But none of the mature, intelligent, fun people that *I* know on /. do -- not proactive manner that *he* does.

        And I don't care if he reads my replies or not -- the fact remains that I have posted here and OTHERS can read it, and it will be burnt in
      • If you thought Master of Disguise was bad, then check out any movie on this list [somethingawful.com]. Nukie in particular, after seeing that, my standards were so noticably lowered I could watch a film about paint drying and say afterwords, well at least it wasn't as bad as "Nukie."

        I got your point though, nice little bit of counter-elitism (in regards to the bad movie bit). =)
        • You know what hurts the most?
          The lack of respect. ...
          Well, and that other thing.
          That thing hurts the most.
          Then the lack of respect.

          Guess the quote!

          Insert "having to watch [a movie]" in place of the "thing"

    • Bethanie, how many of us on /. have you now lectured, from your post of oh so supreme experience and knowledge, about how we should live our lives, function on slashdot, speak, think, etc.?
      Can you give me even one example of you're doing an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?
      What I find is that you spend endless paragraphs lecturing us on what we should do, and occasionally, a line or two acknowledging, in passing, something positive.
      Oh, somebody here should really "Lighten up", "stop
      • Herr Rusty:

        how many of us on /. have you now lectured...about how we should live our lives, function on slashdot, speak, think, etc.?

        I have no idea. Gosh. I wish I'd been keeping count. I bet it's getting up there. I dunno. You're the statistically rigorous one. Maybe you can do a study.

        Can you give me even one example of you're doing an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

        Well, usually the good ones don't need extended commentary. A well-chosen tidbit [slashdot.org] of [slashdot.org] praise [slashdot.org] usually does t

      • Can you give me even one example of you're doing an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

        I assume that you mean your , Herr Perfessor?

        <G, D, R>
        • Can you give me even one example of you're doing an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

          I assume that you mean your , Herr Perfessor?

          Nope, "you're" was right: a contraction of "you are". It is worded a bit awkwardly though.
          • Actually, I have to back up arb on this. The way that Perf Rusty worded it was supposed to have used the possessive "your" modifying the gerundial phrase "doing an extended commentary...".

            I agree that the wording is awkward. A better way to have said it might have been:

            Can you give me *one* example of having written an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?


            Can you cite even a single example where you've done an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

            But I don't th

            • You may be right. I may have read "where" instead of "of":

              Can you give me even one example where you're doing an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

              Which obviously requires "you're" - it's the present tense of your second edited version:

              Can you cite even a single example where you've done an extended commentary on something positive about ANYBODY?

              I guess it depends whether the mistake was the "of" or the "you're" :-)

              There were several spelling & grammatical errors in his s

        • I meant "your". That's what I get for merging two sentences while rushed. Mea culpa.

          • You're intent was still clear enough - even if the grammer and general sentence structure was a bit awkward. Even the best of us make mistakes at times. :-)
      • Bethanie, how many of us on /. have you now lectured, from your post of oh so supreme experience and knowledge, about how we should live our lives, function on slashdot, speak, think, etc.?

        Mr. Pot, meet Mrs. Kettle...

        I don't know either of you personally, but from my less than biased perspective, it looks like the perfessor is complaing about most people on Slashdot. I mean, do you *really* expect something different?

        Bethanie, you talk about Chacham getting some therapy and relaxing but it seems that y

    • Make a positive contribution. Lighten up.

      Sounds like good advice...

  • Had the misfortune of seeing "The Hulk" recently. Bleah. Worst movie I've seen this year. I just about fell asleep. I would have left if I'd gone to see it by myself, but felt obligated to stay for social reasons.
  • I got about 20 minutes into it when I had to stop it. I gave it to my friend to finish watching. I just couldn't take it.
  • Anything done by Mark Polonia [imdb.com]....

    But I do believe the worst movie ever would be a delightful little chunk of terribleness called "Nukie." [imdb.com]

    It's painful to watch... horribly painful. Some find it so bad it's funny, I found it so bad I wished I could strangle my brain with my optic nerves just to make it stop.
  • The only movie that I stopped watching after only 15 minutes. I got it as a freebie on DVD with a magazine, and it was so bad that I tossed the thing out.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
