Comment Re:Meh... who cares? (Score 3, Insightful) 233
My toothpaste has way more fluoride than my drinking water, anyway. How much tap water do people really drink anyway?
Single people and empty nesters might eat out often, but most families with kids save money by cooking at home. This means all soups, roasts, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, gravies, powdered sports drinks, kool aid, spaghetti, rice, oatmeal, ice cubes, etc. will be made with tap water. I don't know too many families that crack open a bottle of Mountain Spring Water to add it to their Campbell's soup. Even our morning coffee is made with tap water, along with the water in people's through-the-door fridge taps.
One report I read suggested to reduce the amount of fluoride added to the municipal water supply rather than eliminate it completely.