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User Journal

Journal Journal: Battles of S and L

I'm one of those whacky people who eternally sits on the borderline of good, neutral, and bad karma. One of these days I'll learn how to be truly insightful in the slashdot world.

Until then, I'll have to try and figure out how to tell someone that I don't love them as much as I used to.

I'm not sure which battle I'll win first.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Backups!

I love having backups.

I hate it when something dumb forces me to use them.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grand Ave

I had to drive across Phoenix to get to a marriage party for an old friend. As part of my trip, I spent quite a bit of time traversing Grand Ave. It was sunset, cruising through this strange mix of Industrial complexes, run-down strip malls, and strip joints. Crowded House's "Don't dream it's over" comes on the radio, and I cruise along, dreaming I'm in a movie montage. The ground rolls slowly, the cars never change position, the lights are never red, and we just keep rolling. The urban wasteland watches as we pass it by.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sky Vodka

While I'm not much of a drinker, much less vodka, I do have to admit: Those Sky Vodka women are beautiful.

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