Comment "Your" Tesla has just lost $8000 in resale value (Score 4, Insightful) 344
Sorry chump. Didn't you read the EULA?
Sorry chump. Didn't you read the EULA?
Well hooray for the free market. It is doing as you ask.
Industrial users will be more willing to pay higher prices but party decorations are cheaper to substitute with other crap.
Google can track you just fine even if you are not using Chrome.
Just by knowing the four or five web sites you visit most is enough to ID you.
Dang Grandpa, I thought I was the old guy around here.
I have have pretty good success with this process:
Tasks: write down all them thar software bits that need to be coded.
Effort: How much time will each task take.
Complexity: Complex things take more time - make up a coefficient. GUIs are always complex.
Risk: How possible is it that something wont work? - another coefficient.
Now put them all in Excel, and then adjust the complexity and risk coefficients till it matches with how much you want to charge the client.
I like the idea. Swarms of underwater lionfish hunting drones. Or Zebra Mussels in the great lakes. Or Asian Car in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
Or how about swarms of small farming robots scurrying around a cornfield picking pests off plants and digging up Gypsumweed.
And Marching columns of robot ants marching over the mountains of West Virginia selectively pulling Wild Garlic Mustard.
And always visit different sites and use different services on separate devices.
Advertising networks can identify you just by seeing you view ads on the few web sites you visit most often. And they can identify your phone in the same way.
We work on a network which is isolated from the internets. No telemetry.
It may be possible to put some sort of device inside the "A" pillar on the drivers side and then have the phone automatically enter Driver mode when the car is in motion and within X distance, about 3 feet, of the device.
Of course then people would be trying to operate their phones holding them at arms length over the passenger seat, which would be even more distracting.
I have also seen research which involved cameras watching the drivers eyes and using that data to understand what the driver is paying attention too. Perhaps using that kind of approach would be possible to block specific phones but that would be very expensive I would think.
From a government grant of course!
You don't even need to target me. Just let me choose between multiple commercial streams.
For example, when I am watching a football game with my son, give me a way to not be subjected to Viagra, Video Games, and Violent, Scary, or sexually suggestive movie trailers.
I'm not gonna buy a video game or go to a movie anyhow. And I don't need Viagra (yet). Give me the choice of a G-Rated stream where I feel like I have to cover his eyes and mute the sound.
Total and complete incompetence from the Obama administration where the only qualification that matters is political loyalty.
From the article:
"A consultant who did some work with a company contracted by OPM to manage personnel records for a number of agencies told Ars that he found the Unix systems administrator for the project "was in Argentina and his co-worker was physically located in the [People's Republic of China]. Both had direct access to every row of data in every database: they were root. Another team that worked with these databases had at its head two team members with PRC passports."
I am not sure cockroaches are the right insect because they are particularly filthy, eating their own poop and all.
However a few years ago a friend of mine remarked how useful ants would be for such a role, for cleaning the floor of crumbs.
I think if you could find a way to borgify insects the profitable sector would be in agriculture.
Sell dragonflies and mantises programmed so seek out and destroy corn pests. Sell engineered grasshoppers who leave the corn alone but eat everything else.
Dab nag whippersnappers! Get off my lawn!
They are just making use of what is normally waste heat which would result is some small increase in efficiency of the total system.
But of course the amount of waste heat energy they can recover is limited by thermodynamics. On a hot day you won't get much.
It is a ridiculous idea. Cool looking tire however.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.