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Comment A-10 replacing F-35 in ground attack. (Score 1) 325

Shows the fallacy of trying to all things with one aircraft. Such thinking always ends up with it unable to fulfill any role effectively. The retaining of the A-10 in a role the F-35 was supposed to fulfill illustrates this so effectively. Two or three aircraft are needed beginning with a F22 style and capable aircraft. Dedicated design for the purpose. Multipurpose ends up a clusterfuck.

Comment Re: Just don't buy HP (Score 1) 250

I got caught with this firmware update and i'm using genuine hp cartridges. I'm still able to print but have to go through a rigmarole to do so. I've complainted to the Australian ACCC national consumer authority as hp's action is quite illegal there with really hefty fines. This will concentrate hp's mind.

Comment Re: No they aren't denying it (Score 1) 680

There's 3â... of climate scientists who dispute global warming/climate change. I'm with them. They must know something all the other 97â... don't. I don't know what they know is different but I bet it's a doozy. I feel it in my bones. I'm here in my waterfront home where the water level is rising, but that's only because God's sending us more rain to fill the oceans. He thinks we're a bit short of water so he's sending us some more to top up, so to speak. All this rubbish about global warming. Not getting warmer where I am. Got the aircon cranked up full bore and it's fine and comfortable here.

Comment HP non genuine printer cartridge stupidity. (Score 1) 387

I have started receiving these messages from my HP deskjet printer. I only use genuine HP printer cartridges as I don't use my printer often and find refills and non genuine dry out requiring very early replacement so not worth while using non genuine. Even though I use genuine HP cartridges, it's none of HP's business what ink or cartridges I use. It doubly gets up my nose that I use genuine cartridges anyway, and still have this crap happen. I'm VERY upset and HP will be getting the results of my anger tomorrow. Obviously, there's some stupid fuckwit at HP who thought it was a good idea at the time. Whoever it was will be clearing out their desk by the end of this week.

Comment New Cars Are Too Expensive For The Typical Family (Score 1) 622

American businesses have been driving down wages and salaries for decades by attacking and demonising unions with the help of the GOP and a naive public. Now they find that their potential customers cannot afford to buy their products. Talk about shoft sighted stupidity. If your customers can't buy your products you eventually go out of business. Some states are instituting increased minimum wages, but that doesn't help as it's the decimated middle class that buys products to drive industry. America is on a long slow downhill slide to self propelled poverty and irrelevancy courtesy of industry and GOP.

Comment climate change defamation (Score 1) 297

He went after an obscure Canadian newspaper and not big ones like the NYT to establish legal precedent for when he goes after the big guys. The big news outlets are lawyered up to the hilt so best to go after the small fish first and use the.legal precedent to beat the others around the ears when you go after them.

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