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Comment Re:SLAPP (Score 4, Interesting) 37

Yes, but as someone currently being sued in an over 200 page SLAPP suit, you still have to defend it. I'm about 65k into this and 2+ years of time has elapsed. I've recently become aware of the same suit being filed by the same Plaintiff in another state now, but I've not been served in this new, parallel, litigation.

The system assumes the Plaintiff's complaint is truthful and it is the responsibility of the defendant to prove otherwise. A defendant must pay for and retain expert witnesses to refute each claim. As an example:

The website of Defendant actively solicits persons visiting the site to make payments by cryptocurrency, stating, “I support strong crypto. My gpg key is below, please use it.”

Reading this makes my head hurt, but if it gets to court, I'll need to hire an expert witness (likely 10-20k USD) to refute that. This is just one of the many idiotic claims made in such a SLAPP suit.

Most people do not have the financial resources necessary to defend such a case. Also if you get it dismissed on jurisdictional or anything before a full trial (summary judgement), you generally are unable to recover attorney's fees.

This entire action is from a small business owner selling products in the radio enthusiast community who went off over some facebook meme. Basic research found out he was a convicted felon and had made up multiple lies on his public resume. He's suing over publishing his records from PACER.

I wish this researcher the best of luck.

Comment Re:I will delete Reddit if they kill 3rd party app (Score 0, Redundant) 145

Meh, they permabanned every account I've had. First it was for calling out Ellen Pao over her policy of shadow bans, then my other account was banned for threatening violence, for telling someone to "Eat shit and die".

It's an echo chamber and the redesign is shit.

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