Comment Re:Microsoft and GPL (Score 1) 573
And just why I don't like the GPL - it is the exact antithesis of commercial software and means anyone that writes just software needs to tie their software to hardware to make money or have donors (which usually are corporations that want exclusive rights on their platform).
That's not my experience at all. I work with web consulting companies supplying solutions to organizations that are tired of expensive, inflexible closed source solutions provided by Microsoft or the likes of Kintera and Convio. The initial cost of development of a sophisticated open source site is (maybe) 50% of a closed source solution, so it's certainly not free. And if the client finds that they aren't getting the service from us that they want, they can easily find another shop that can take over development or maintenance of the GPL code base running on a relatively LAMP stack. So we have no "lock in" on our clients, which behooves us to provide quality service.
Yes, I would get paid more if I did the same work for a closed source shop. But I have to say: I like working with clients that like working with me, rather than with clients that have to work with me.