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Journal BrenBren's Journal: Constrained writing exercise 5

I honestly didn't think I could do it, but here it is. Let me know what you think:

The FBI Agent was obviously bored with this investigation. "Let's take this from the beginning." "Okay," Brenda sighed. "The spacecraft went wast towards those hills, hugging the ground like a parasite," she said. Again. "Then some guy came up and claimed to be a refugee from another planet. Said he was just dumped here." She didn't believe it herself, but that's what happened, just before he robbed her and ran.

Agent Jones thought that it was going to be a waste of his time. It looked like a simple robbery, a matter for the local police, but the story of the U.F.O. meant that it was his job. He looked at his map. The only things to the east were an extinct volcano and an old boiler factory. The place has been deserted for years, though. He went to check it out.

For a moment after he parked his car, Agent Jones thought he heard the distinct hum of a generator. "Odd," he thought, "Pretty noisy for an abandoned factory." He walked around, but he didn't find anything interesting. He returned to his car to find that his car's ignition had jammed. It was then that he noticed the photograph on the front page of the paper on the seat next to him. The story that accompanied it spoke of a bank robbery some thirty years before. The Boxer Gang had managed one of the most famous bank heists in the tri-state area, and it was still unsolved. The sign behind the Boxer Gang was the same sign that stood before him now, worn and weathered.

"This case has more layers than an onion!" he said. "But I think we're finally on to something."

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Constrained writing exercise

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