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Comment The table in the article does not match the paper (Score 1) 112

In the paper, the authors reported that experts recommended using anti-virus software more frequently than using a password manager.

If I were to make recommendations to a novice user, the first would be to use anti-virus software followed by anti-malware and I would guide them to Major Geeks.

Comment Re:And Environmentalists Just Dumped Thousands of (Score 1) 545

"The Santa Clara Valley Water District estimates it will lose up to $20 million because of its request last month for a 10 percent voluntary reduction. L.A.'s Metropolitan district expects to lose $150 million by asking for 20 percent voluntary cutbacks." Paul Rogers, San Jose Mercury News, 2/15/14.

The article goes on to say that some agencies have raised rates in the past to make up the difference.

Comment Re:Breaking news! (Score 1) 616

Yes! Why do roughly half of Americans believe this? Because, this is a result of the repetition effect. Keep repeating lies every chance you get. It is now a tactic of every group with lots of money and a vested interest in spreading fud to delay change. Especially, when change will impact profits.

Next, tie the change to personal deprivation like jobs or gas prices.

If that does not work, then point out that your opponents do not believe in American Exceptionalism.

Comment Re:What does being a girl have to do with it? (Score 1) 564

Where are the research papers about how to get more men into Nursing? Or men into elementary education? How about Men into being stay at home dads? Men being "Admin Assistants"?

Why does it seem that "gender equality" only a one way street?

Because you haven't noticed that it is a two way street?


Even better, you should start singing "Let's Get More Men Into Nursing"

Dan Goggin Digital Sheet Music


Comment Re:Disheartening (Score 2, Informative) 520

A good response to Who Killed the Electric Car is a blog entry from a few years ago, Who Ignored the Facts About the Electric Car.

Really? Here is a quote from that blog: "Although I have not seen the movie or received an advanced DVD as others have from the film’s producers, I can tell you that based on what I have heard there may be some information that the movie did not tell its viewers."


The 10 Most Absurd Scientific Papers 127

Lanxon writes "It's true: 'Effects of cocaine on honeybee dance behavior,' 'Fellatio by fruit bats prolongs copulation time,' and 'Are full or empty beer bottles sturdier and does their fracture-threshold suffice to break the human skull?' are all genuine scientific research papers, and all were genuinely published in journals or similar publications. Wired's presentation of a collection of the most bizarrely-named research papers contains seven other gems, including one about naval fluff and another published in The Journal of Sex Research."

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The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
