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Comment Re:Hot stuff (Score 1) 211

I recall reading that the Goldilocks zone for dwarf stars is quite closer to the star than for our Sun. So much so that the planets in that zone would most likely become tidally locked with the star (IANAA either). That raises interesting questions on the possibilities for life there. The environment would likely be much harsher - violent wind, big temperature difference on each side of the planet, possibly compensated for with atmosphere and oceans. On the other hand, harsher environment might also be a pressure point for more intelligent life to evolve, given that life would arise to begin with.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 1) 474

"you can do whatever you want to your own body and mind, just don't do it to anyone else".
I think you answered your own question - you should be allowed to smoke whatever you want in your own home, except if you have children or non-accepting spouse subjected to your chosen pollution. That out of the way, I pretty much agree with your take on this.

Comment Re:fuck you iceland. (Score 1) 684

Fuck you (country_name) is just as stupid here as it most often is. Do you feel personally responsible for every damn thing the politicians in your country do? Besides, this proposed lock-down is not gonna happen cause the minister in question will be out of office pretty soon (upcoming elections).

Comment Re:Economy is not a science. (Score 3, Informative) 290

The fact that evolutionary theory doesn't have (yet) predictive power is the primary reason why ID survives. When evolutionary biology produces falsifiable hypotheses with predictive power, ID will silently go away.

You might want to reconsider that. Take a special look at the what E Coli did, as predicted.

Comment Re:HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Score 1) 313

OP stated that JavaScript is not a full blown language. If he's not talking about computability, then another criteria might be IO control which is entirely possible in JavaScript like in most other languages. If he's not talking about that either but instead some missing language/syntax feature, then probably all programming languages fail that criteria.

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