Comment But what if your blogger souce is a RMTer? (Score 1) 132
Tis a pitty really that people are citing Ahmed as a reliable source when he is actually a partner in lewt DOT com (link broken deliberatly), one of the biggest spam happy RMT sites out there. I post on allakhazam and we regualrily see spam posts from them, shortly before the administrators remove them from the site. If we're seeing them, i'm guessing there are alot of them pg
I posted on his blog, but Mr. Ahmed doesn't want you to see the truth. He didn't even bother trying to refute it, he just nuked the post entirely. Unfortunatly for him as you see above, I took screenshots. Including screenhots of my second repy. jpg
The dirty little truth here is that Ahmed is trying to slander a perfectly good and decent website to draw attention away from his own RMTer sins. Ahmed is a partner with his friend Andre Marcelo-Tanner in the incredably annoying lewt empire. See him here defending RMT: craft-farming-in-cebu
Check out the Whois data for Lewt and
And whats this? domain data for a gil selling guide?
This couldn't be the same person who also owns MMO Guru could it? the same MMO Guru that Mr. Ahmed is deeply involved with?
The hypocrisy of his attack is truly absurd. Say what you will about Allakhazam and crew, they have never had Gold/gil/plat ads on the site, and they did get rid of IGE. Ahmed on the other hand has been outed as a dirty rotten RMTer. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself...