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Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 163

I have a 2014 Subaru Forester with EyeSight (their adaptive (stereoscopic based) cruise control with lane departure warning system). The adaptive cruise control is amazing. I like using it in traffic on I-5 in Seattle (I said Subaru, didn't I?) and it works really well at dealing with people cutting in/stopped cars in front of me. My one complaint is when you come to a complete stop it times out and disables the system. You now have a vehicle that is idling in drive. There is an audible beep to warn you that the system is turning off, but I think I would prefer the ability to control the time out period to something more than 5 seconds.

Comment Re:What is really needed. (Score 1) 768

And the military does not exist in its own reality distortion field. I know of no other line of work in this country where failure to show up for work results in a prison sentence.

A career in the military is not the same as a career anywhere else. In their situation the ability to be bribed by the enemy is too great a risk. In industry that's what NDAs and non-compete clauses are for.

Comment Re:What is really needed. (Score 1) 768

Who the hell wants a staff full of debt-burdened carrot-chasers who couldn't get the job they really wanted?

Employees with a mountain of debt are less likely to cause trouble for their employer, as the employee's debt must be serviced, especially education debt in the US.

It is, for all intents and purposes, a rather relaxed version of indentured servitude, considering the overall lack of mobility in the job market.

Comment Re:A Tale of Two Countries (Score 1) 518

Precisely what you would expect to hear from a tea party nut that has never worked in the public sector. Thank you. Keep up the good work being a shill for the Koch brothers and their ilk. It is only a matter of time before the super-rich (who are the only ones to truly benefit from Tea Party ideals) come after you and make your life miserable.

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