Comment Re: Conflict of interest? (Score 1) 356
TDS and MDS, some have RDS also.
Or none of those are things.
TDS and MDS, some have RDS also.
Or none of those are things.
Free speech does not mean free from consequences.
I think it means freedom from legal consequences, yes. (Except in cases of libel and slander, or lies that injure someone.)
His name is spelled Elon, by the way.
None of these things are remotely reasonable excuses for rape, kidnapping and murder. Also I don't believe they are unfair.
The site is by an atheist, and it's not out to ban porn. But you're going to have to explain to me, why do the attributes of author make the studies factual or non-factual?
Okay, here's 59 studies and lots of other research:
But I suspect you might say even that doesn't prove it. If 59 studies don't prove it, what does?
It sounds like we are in progress on The Right to Read.
But now that they have, there is a moral obligation to address the problem of Israel perpetrating a holocaust against Palestine.
Genocide is an extremely serious charge. I hope you have evidence to back up what you say. What is your evidence that Israel is attempting to murder every Arab in the world?
Palestinians aren't a race. They're just Arabs. There are about 1 billion Arabs in the world, and in the Israel-Gaza war Israel has apparently killed only 30 000 or so. This number comes from the known terrorist organisation Hamas, which murders, rapes and kidnaps civilians in time of peace, and hides under schools and hospitals, so the number may be utter nonsense, since terrorists can also be liars. And about 1/3 of that 30 000 are Hamas fighters, that is, fighters for a terrorist organisation that massacred Israeil civilians, again, in a time of peace.
I think if Israel was trying to murder every Arab on the face of the earth, which is what genocide is, they'd have murdered tens or hundreds of millions by now. Israel hasn't even killed most of the Palestinians. The population in the Gaza strip is about 2.5 million, and the death toll (again, by the terrorists Hamas) is the total of 30 000. That's a microscopic fraction of the total population. I think your accusation of genocide is a falsehood, an extremely nasty one at that.
On the contrary, it looks like Israel is risking their own solders' lives to protect Palestinian civilians, and Hamas is hiding behind civilians in order to raise the death toll to get people like you to think they are the victims when they are really the perpetrators.
When you outlaw perfectly normal human sexuality, no one with a brain cell is going to willingly inform the government they need to be put in jail.
Are you talking about internet porn here? This article is about age-verification, not outlawing. But that's not why I'm posting.
Do you really think millions of people (or billions) looking at strangers' privates, or strangers having sex on a screen is "perfectly normal human sexuality"? Are you not aware that the models have makeup, hair extensions, silicone, silicone, silicone? Is that normal? Is it normal to be clicking from video to video, because every 3 seconds you are interested in a new sex scene or model? Is it normal to have fifty tabs open of streaming HD hardcore porn? Is it normal for people (mostly men and boys) to get addicted to "normal human sexuality"? Is it normal for teenaged boys to get erectile dysfunction?
Are you completely crazy?
I am okay with the government tracking my porn-viewing habits. Am I the only one who doesn't look at porn?
There was a Covid app in Canada that was approved of by a former privacy commissioner. Surely this is possible with age verification too?
If you have "reliability" problems with systemd it is the result of you configuring something incorrectly.
Or, you could just not use systemd and not have problems with it.
Being told I did something wrong to make the OS unreliable was a Windows problem for me.
Blaming the victim is something narcissistic abusers do. This reminds me of Lennart Pottering's narcissism and arrogance.
This Encyclopedia Britannica article doesn't mention anything about the US Joint Chiefs opposing Truman's decision to use the atom bomb. It looks like most people supported it.
Commercial software, on the other hand, depends on customers being happy, and are more likely to do what it takes to keep them happy.
How much proprietary software have you used? Have you heard of Windows 95? Do you think Windows has always been done to make customers happy? I really don't think some, most, or all commercial software is done to keep customers happy. It seems to be there to make money and maintain control.
Do you think all of the men who attended this event are transgender and have those different brains? Why or why not?
What do you mean by "natural human activity"? If you say masturbation, sure, it's hard to argue with that. But if you mean internet porn, isn't that the definition of modernity? And what, exactly
I really don't think that's what the term cancel culture means, either literally or in the minds of everyone who uses it.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer