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Comment Maybe Palm's state is worse than it seemed (Score 4, Interesting) 97

There were some speculations that HTC has interest in Palm mainly due to Palm's patent portfolio. Given the upcoming court fight with Apple, it would probably have been nice for HTC to have as much patents as possible in order to get more leverage in the case. HTC's decision most certainly comes after looking at Palm's books, and since they have decided to pass the offer, maybe this means it's not all rainbows and butterflies at the Palm HQ? Coincidentally, yet another Palm exec left (the VP of carrier marketing), and there was also a rumor that even Robinstein himself was abandoning ship (although he allegedly denied this). This all kind of points that Palm may have a very serious problem. I'm not sure what will happen if Lenovo walks away too... On the technical side, it would have been interesting to see WebOS on some of the high-end hardware HTC has released lately. On the other hand, I'm not sure that yet another OS to support is the best thing for HTC, with WM, Android, and the emerging Brew thing...

Comment What worries me... (Score 1) 209

What is troubling for me to understand is why was their DNA already in the police's database? Have they committed other crimes? Or is the answer as simple as "This took place in the UK"? I don't know about you, but I would be rather pissed if I'm on some database for no reason...

Submission + - LHC research program launched with 7 TeV collision (

An anonymous reader writes: At 1:06 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST) today, the first protons collided at 7 TeV in the Large Hadron Collider. These first collisions, recorded by the LHC experiments, mark the start of the LHC’s research program.

Submission + - What you get when you buy a $40 iPhone in a bar ( 1

Barence writes: How good — or bad — are fake iPhones? PC Pro blogger Steve Cassidy has a friend who paid £25 ($40) for an "iPhone" in a bar, and he's got the photos and full lowdown of what's inside this not-so smartphone. The phone looks convincing enough from the outside, with a genuine-looking backplate, but things start to go wrong when you switch it on. What’s a “Java” and “WLAN” App button doing on the screen? And how about that Internet Explorer icon? It’s like you’re handling an artefact from an alternate history, dropped in via a spacetime wormhole. It has dual SIM handling, too, and came with a bizarre auxiliary battery festooned with warnings about not pressing a button mounted on the front of the top-up device.

Comment Will have to wait and see (Score 5, Interesting) 427

There are still a lot of questions to be answered, before I can say if I like it or not... Does it support multitasking? How are notifications handled? How efficient is the down-scrolling action compared to the sideways swipe in a real world usage? How would apps look with this spill-over-the-side text philosophy? I agree that the fact that they have started completely from scratch is rather exciting, and also the minimalist design approach is rather bold, but until the above questions are answered it is hard to tell if this will end the "iPhone Domination"

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 202

Actually, HTC did a pretty good job in making Windows Mobile more touch-friendly with their TouchFLO interface. The more recent HTC devices can be used rather well even without the stylus, at least for most daily task. The Diamond2 is also pretty decent when it comes to speed and responsiveness, and touch sensitivity is good even though it uses a resistive display. Sadly, when it comes ti typing, you have to flip out the stylus, unless you have one of the devices with a hardware keyboard. This is also true if you have to dig in any of the WinMo settings. I have an older HTC device with hacked 6.1 on it, with a TouchFLO-like interface. In this form, the phone is much more useful then with the original Windows Mobile 5 that came with it. I can usually a whole day without using the stylus, unless i have to type a SMS or an e-mail. I admit though, that I'm not a heavy typist...

Comment Re:It is not the volts (Score 1) 336

Yes, but there are also other factors that play a significant role - for example the frequency of the AC current. If the frequency is too high, then the skin effect comes into play, and the effects on your body could me minor. This is how some tasers work, they are in the range of 50 to several hundred kV and are considered (mostly) harmless...

Comment Re:what it means (Score 3, Informative) 141

True, but the IMEI only identifies the phone (the handset), not the user itself. The user is identified by the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), which, after the initial login to the network, is replaced by the temporary valid TMSI. The IMSI itself is stored in the SIM card, along with the symmetric encryption key. In order to participate on any network, you need to provide both valid IMEI and IMSI. The GSM operators should maintain records of the IMEIs used in the network. There are also so called black lists, where banned IMEIs are stored. In theory, if your phone is stolen and you report it, the operator can ban it from being used on the network (and the black lists are supposedly exchanged between operators). However, in my experience, most operators don't care - probably due to the mentioned before easy IMEI change on most handsets.

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