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Comment Re: TLDR (Score 0) 117

Bwahaha. Meta didn't even invent their headset, they bought it. They didn't even remotely innovate on it, and they canceled their plans for an improved headset. The only major plan they had for it now can only be found in their fucking name. You are so far up Zuck's ass, you should be able to see Trump's.

Comment Re:Plus its a fraud (Score 1) 137

I have no issue with it taking a reasonable time. But this complaint is now decades old. They've had government handouts to provide better rural access based on fees for the entirety of the century so far IIRC or close enough.
And we've been paying the fees for that long. So if that money hasn't been used for what I paid for I want it back.

Comment Re:what about humans (Score -1) 28

Apart from you being dumb as usual, you don't even see the real problem, which has nothing to do with Apple.

This design tool, when asked for a weather app, always turned up with the same design. So if several developers use it to "design" their apps, all apps will look the same. The fact that you can't fathom this just shows you are of general stupidity, not just dumb while fixated on Apple.

Comment Re:First step in every single trial (Score -1) 64

My -guess- is the ebook market is highly fragmented so 10% was a lot but as I said, not familiar.

It's not. It's barely lost in the noise compared with Amazon. That particular case was about collusion to raise prices. The thing is, Apple's contracts with ~500,000 developers who have apps on their iOS App Store, if found to be behaving in a way that effectively raises prices, would make the size of the eBook price fixing cabal seem tiny by comparison. As soon as multiple companies and contracts get involved — which is absolutely the case when you're talking about a closed ecosystem like iOS — you don't actually have to have monopoly power to be convicted of Sherman Act violations at all. (And yet Apple does.)

Funny you should mention that case. Amazon used their profits from real books to finance selling ebooks below the price they paid to the publishers, so they could monopolize the market. All to boost sales of their Kindle ebook reader they also sold below cost to ultimately get everyone to buy their Kindle ebooks that only worked on their reader to monopolize the market. And they took 70% of the sale of those Kindle ebooks unless you basically sold your soul to them, than they only took 35% instead of the ridiculous rip-off from Apple at 30%. You're a tool.

Comment Re:Hydro (Score -1) 153

Ahh, but did China achieve that with their subsidies, or did the European countries and the EU achieve that by cutting subsidies with short announcement just when the Chinese entered the European market? Spearheaded of course by the Chancellor Merkel led German government that "had to" cut subsidies for solar panel installation because "too many were using them". The same government that shut down Nuclear and made deals for Russian gas.

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