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Comment Re:Another Big Data company decides on content (Score 1) 187

The real problem is there aren't many alternatives.

I'm not sure why people keep saying this. There are lots of hosting provider out there. AWS isn't even the biggest (in terms of # of clients). Last time I looked GoDaddy and Google were ahead of them. I realize when people say "cloud" they refer to systems like AWS, GCP and Azure, but there are other ways to do things.

Comment Re:I guarantee (Score 1) 334

but does that really matter?

She's a lawmaker, who can't take 5 minutes to read what HIPAA is, and who/what is covered by it. Add to that the fact that I constantly hear "You're violating my HIPPA rights" (Misspelled on purpose there) from various level of conspiracy nuts makes me believe she is way down the rabbit hole.

Next thing you know she'll be claiming she's a sovereign citizen, and that the earth is flat.

I hope that AT LEAST matters to Georgia's 14th.

Comment Re:Not what nationalists (Score 1) 441

Not only did he say that, it was LITERALLY the sentence before he said "very fine people on both sides". That was a lie about Trump. I truly detest the man, but this was a lie that the media told, and everybody latched onto. I don't blame those that replied to you, it was a lie that was repeated so much it became "fact".

Comment Re:This is a big part of the problem... (Score 1) 176

... ."the right long distance company."...

or more specifically the right SIP trunk provider. I worked for a company that made lots of automated calls (legally, within the bounds of market research). We had plenty of providers who would just say no, but there were enough that didn't even bother to ask. They all made sure we sent an ANI, although they didn't seem to care what that ANI was, or if we even owned it, (which we did), and they made sure our call duration on connected calls wasn't below 12 seconds (I don't recall what the short duration regulations are, but I believe that was why we had to stay connected at least that long.)

Those trunk providers are also rampant with this:

Comment Re:Islam is a Problem (Score 0) 1011

When 40% of Muslims living in Britain want Sharia Law (Sharia Law includes death for those who insult Islam)

and the 60% that don't, what happens to them?

When 25% of all Muslims living in Britain support the 7/7 attacks

and the 75% that don't, what about them?

Then it is obvious that Islam has a real problem and is a real threat to the civilized world.

Obviously why? because percentages? Here's one for you: Muslims make up 23% of the worlds population. That's 1.6 BILLION. And here you are condemning them all because of statistics from a country that houses 64 million of the world's population.
It's ludicrous.

Comment Re:Not really (Score 4, Informative) 385

Liberty U is very tolerant of other views - as are most Christian Schools - being a core element of their beliefs.

From every job listing for Liberty

Disclaimer Statement: Liberty University's hiring practices and EEO Statement are fully in compliance with both federal and state law. Federal law creates an exception to the "religion" component of the employment discrimination laws for religious organizations (including educational institutions), and permits them to give employment preference to members of their own religion. Liberty University is in that category.

That particular entry I pulled out at random was for a Network Engineering job. If you aren't a Baptist you can't even plug in network cables there. I've personally known people who have lied about their religion to get a job there, and people who got rejected for being Catholic. Employees sign a "Way of Life" contract.

Tolerant my left nut.

Comment See! Some people DO read ToS/EULAs (Score 2) 57

I once put the following into a ToS on our branded Internet Explorer CDs for a dialup ISP I worked at:

By accepting this agreement you agree to pay $1,000,000 US Dollars. Please submit payment in full immediately. If you read this, please email me at and let me know you actually read this. You are one in a million.

Never saw a dollar nor an email. :(

Comment Re:Acronym (Score 2) 83

In case you are also wondering, MST3k stands for Mystery Science Theater 3000, an American comedy science fiction television series (

It would have been good to see the acronym expanded at least once in TFS...

well THAT made me feel old, but WELCOME to my lawn!

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