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Comment Re:or maybe... (Score 2) 101

I still have a hate boner for the word login. You log on, because that's entering your username and password. It used to mean turn logging on, in other words, let me be a user and log stuff that I do.

Login is a modernization based on learning by context and normal bastardization. I'm not sure that I can disagree with common usage of the word login, but if you're talking about what should be and shouldn't be, and using computer science language, you should be aware enough to address log on versus login if you are advocating one or the other.

It's very much like the time I heard someone say" I got this recipe off line." And of course what they meant was they got it off an online website, and "off" meaning "from" was meant to be voiced with a space, not a dash. And they are different. And don't let me get into open versus closed compound words,, or whether there's a space or a dash or no space at all.

Point is, if you're in the biz, then make what your statement is, meaningful.

Comment Re:Refreshing (Score 1) 101

If you have to introduce someone, however, I'm not sure I'm going to pay attention to their opinion.

Yeah, I'm not going to pay attention. I usually mean both, as in in both makes sense when handled by a lot of the same logic. Otherwise, the usage is generally clear. Maybe just talk to your colleagues or authors that you read and get them to change. If they won't, or don't want to change, you will have avoided embarrassing yourself on the internet.

Comment Re:GenX (Score 1) 193

I will also add: The advertisements on old school radio were at least listenable. And they were at fairly expected intervals.

At some point, someone decided they weren't making enough money, so they made advertising cheap and made it up on volume, putting moving ads everywhere and pop-ups and other distractions. Thus began the fight. If you don't remember the age of pop-ups and pop-up blockers, you're ignoring a hefty part of History.

It really began when advertisers discovered that they could compress and normalize their volume to the maximum, while television shows had a wide dynamic range that made you turn up the volume for most of it. That difference gives you the extra loud ad while you're trying to watch a movie.

And now, YouTube ads or just as annoying, being unpredictable and genuinely interfering with the experience. Especially the 3-minute ads. You can skip at some point, but if you're not in a position to skip them, like if you're painting, you get no option to skip.

And then the commercials for YouTube premium insist that you can pay for no interruptions so it doesn't interrupt your "flow ". How about I pay you money if you put advertising in an expected place, like if the video has a one second fade to Black to signify a scene shift, that might be a great place to put it. Halfway through a sentence does not cut it.

In the core of all of this is that advertising cost money, but it's so much a part of the experience that people are able to tune it out, so it's not as effective. As the epic war games continue, expect users to fight back, and businesses to find ever more increasingly ignorant ways to capture your attention.

Comment Re:Guess the white woman was important enough (Score 1) 48

How would you even remotely test to make sure you could handle that load? I'm sure their production environment is bigger than anything they have elsewhere, so the stimulation would DDOS their own site.

Sure, if they didn't take the question as a warning and prepare to spin up as many virtual environments as they needed, but again this was unprecedented and it's absolutely bonkers that anyone would use that event to declare an antitrust violation.

Again, even if they had competition, the competition sites would have crashed. Guaranteed because ticket bastards has had years to deal with surges and well there is no competition so they haven't had the opportunity.

Comment Re:Guess the white woman was important enough (Score 1) 48

I'll not defend Ticketmaster, but it's hard to blame them for an unprecedented demand. The first tour in 5 years, for the first musician worth a billion dollars just by being a musician.

If they had competition, those sites would have been DDoSed as well. Between the actual people and the bots buying just to resell, and then the people who have to click around a lot more to find the resale tickets, they really didn't have a chance.

Comment Re:Salt the lists (Score 2) 72

You think the badge and a gun types care about this? They will refer you to the DA. And a DA is not going to care without an actual person asking them to enforce the law, because someone needs to be named as the one filing charges. Very rarely will the DA decide to follow up on their own, and usually only when there's a pretty obvious paper trail through someone in the country. Because otherwise it's just noise.

And, every company would need to add someone outside the company who will actually care about these things. Not just a DA, but a DA who has signed on for this type of thing, or an ambulance chaser looking for a quick settlement.

Comment Re:Why (Score 2) 117

Irrelevant. The patch submitted was to fix the config file for all non-compliant browsers. Program files, was intended to break non-compliant programs.

That some programs ignored this, either intentionally or via their installer wrapper, does not take away from the number of applications whose installer wouldn't work and got fixed.

Pretty sure this is an example of the exception that proves the rule. Meaning that there were rules, and your example is an exception to those, but nonetheless, the rule was followed by many.

Comment Unix philosophy (Score 1) 117

Can anyone give a reference for Unix on tabs and spaces? Foud this while trying to make a python point,"Tabs or spaces, but you have to handle both".

Tabs are replaced (from left to right) by one to eight spaces such that the total number of characters up to and including the replacement is a multiple of eight (this is intended to be the same rule as used by Unix). The total number of spaces preceding the first non-blank character then determines the lineâ(TM)s indentation. Indentation cannot be split over multiple physical lines using backslashes; the whitespace up to the first backslash determines the indentation.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 117

"What a joke, worshipping a developer and a system that has garbage like this in it 50 years after everyone knew better."

Everyone knew better how to parse the config files, but didn't. I don't think anyone here is worshiping a developer, but if you think developers should be able to just screw up any way they want to, think again. Mangled config files is serious business, and being unable to read config files means they might have problems writing a valid config file. In other words, don't trust them.

Comment Re:Way to twist things around... (Score 1) 185

On the other hand, my gaming and media computer is 7 years old with Nvidia 1060. It's good enough. My "serious business" computer is about 15 years old. Windows 7 goodness. Rarely connected to the internet.

Obviously neither one has the extra garbage needed to run Windows 11. It's supposed to operate the system, and ever since IBM clones came out, the operating system has accommodated the hardware instead of defining the hardware like Apple does. I don't see a reason for it to start now.

If you need software that requires the DRM junk for security reasons. Sure, it's available and you can buy the hardware. If not, I guess it's Linux time.

Comment Re:Experimental becomes production (Score 3, Insightful) 16

"in a limited pilot project involving twenty teachers nationwide"

It isn't production until everyone is allowed to use it. They started with 20 people. And that was probably after internal testing. They are making sure the experiments are a success before moving on. Next is 300 teachers, and that's nothing. 6 per state?

Do you have a more specific question or concern?

Comment Re:The only stuff I pirate (Score 1) 88

I just got an OTA to USB tuner. It's atsc 1.0 because 3.0 seems to be still in flux. There's one OTA atsc 3.0 tuner that can decode without being on the internet, but I want to see if the internet connection can change the algorithm or key or something so that box stops functioning. And I don't have atsc3 broadcasts right now.

So the obvious solution to me is record everything I want to and fast forward through the commercials using myth TV or something like that. And when they put in 3.0 broadcasts, I'll choose my tuner wisely. Not paying for streaming, not paying for cable. Although I do have Amazon prime, so that's technically streaming. I got plenty of movies, even though they might be edited and the good parts censored. Good enough and fuck the MPA.

Hauppauge win dual. It just got to my door so I'm going to have to play with it tonight.

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