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Comment Professors are cheating too (Score 1) 240

I've recently taken more than one online college course where the professor is absentee. No lecture, scant materials or materials with conspicuous errors, a small pdf clip from a free book, or links to a couple short YouTube videos by other people. Classes that the university is making $40,000+ off per semester. No wonder students are looking for other sources for their work.

Pretty soon classes will just be professor's and student's AI talking to each other in GibberLink.

Comment Well duh (Score 1) 149

Companies spend tens of thousands a year on coffee. Yet the perk is a waste on any employee that doesn't drink coffee.

Once worked for a company that had an employee "game room". Console, pool table, darts, the whole nine yards. Another perk that seems like a good idea wasted. Everyone was afraid to be seen in there because they'd be accused of goofing off.

Let us work from home, where if we need a drink it'll be something we like. And no one judges if we prop our feet up for a few minutes.

Comment I'm Whiffing The Real Problem (Score 1) 113

I smell the real problem: a director-level person, apparently in charge of this tech project, doesn't know it's called a three POINT five inch floppy disk and also doesn't know hard drives were common and pretty much a necessity by 1998.

No doubt they will be tricked by a consultant who charges them millions to tell them all they need to do is add a math coprocessor.

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