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Submission + - China To Use Coronavirus App To Track How Much Its Citizens Sleep, Drink & S (

An anonymous reader writes: A city in China has proposed making a color-coded coronavirus tracking app a permanent fixture for residents, allowing authorities to track how much citizens exercise, sleep, drink, and smoke. The app would give each resident a color-coded score of between 0 and 100 and would then be used to permit or deny entry to public buildings or allow the use of public transport. The proposal, made by officials in the eastern China city of Hangzhou late last week, has been met with an unprecedented wave of criticism: Citizens claim it would become part of Beijing’s already-dystopian surveillance system that is used to monitor and track an increasing amount of citizens’ online and offline activities.

Back in February, the Chinese government introduced a mandatory tracking app to combat the spread of the coronavirus. The app, which was developed jointly by Chinese tech giants Tencent and Alibaba, gives each user a green, yellow, or red status depending on where they've traveled or whether they have been in contact with confirmed cases. The app has been downloaded over a billion times and users’ codes have been scanned over 9 billion times, according to Tencent. The Chinese government claimed it helped stop the spread of coronavirus within China. But an investigation by the New York Times found that health data collected by the app was being shared with local police officials without the users’ explicit permission. Now, officials in Hangzhou’s Health Commission want to repurpose the app to make it a permanent fixture for the city’s residents.


In Case of Emergency, Please Remove Your Bra 123

An anonymous reader writes "Caught in a disaster with harmful airborne particles? You'd better hope you're wearing the Emergency Bra. Simply unsnap the bright red bra, separate the cups, and slip it over your head — one cup for you, and one for your friend. Dr. Elena Bodnar won an Ig Nobel Award for the invention last year, an annual tribute to scientific research that on the surface seems goofy but is often surprisingly practical. And now Bodnar has brought the eBra to the public; purchase one online for just $29.95."

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
