Comment Re:Look on the bright side! (Score 1) 314
Nah, someone with big pockets will fight them.
Nah, someone with big pockets will fight them.
Palestine, as a state, does exist... it's called Jordan.
If lies are illegal, then Canada doesn't have free speech. Is this the case?
So because I cannot take public transportation, I shouldn't be allowed to view, in person, an international sporting event? Sounds discriminatory to me.
Because not everyone can take public transportation? I, for one, get motion sick in elevators and spiral staircases.
What was the percentage of buildings and land the Palestinians owned, versus the percentage of land the Turks of the Ottoman Empire owned? Because, what if the Turks owned like 85% of the land? They were forced to give it up after WWI... but that still doesn't make it the Palestinians' any more than if my theoretical landlord sells my building to someone else. And, arguably, the Palestinians already have a country... called Jordan. After all, it's the same ethnic group, just on the other side of the Jordan River (hence Trans-jordan to Jordan).
But if televangelists and pedo priests aren't Christian (you need to follow Christ to be a Christian), how can they be in the same boat as climatologists who are scamming folks? After all, isn't a climatologist a climatologist?
They'll just pain the whole screen black.
People always seem to forget about the most limited resource of all: time.
>>Why get a more limited program when the more advanced programs costs the exact same amount to copy?
Because it does not take the same amount of time to develop, and that is what you're paying for, correct? Why do we get so incensed when people violate the GPL/BSD/Apache/whatever licenses but we have no problem when people violate commercial licenses, despite the fact they all use the same copyright laws?
And yet they have Arab members of the Knesset. How many Jews are in the legislative body in other Middle Eastern countries?
How does one ride a bicycle in a nor'easter or blizzard? Or well-below-freezing temperatures?
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith