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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:It has *some* innovation  *Thursday March 02, 2000 @11:06AM  1
   attached to Microsoft Invents Symbolic Links
Re:Drivers are usually written by the manufacturer  *Thursday February 10, 2000 @10:42AM  1
   attached to Super LCD Screens: 200 PPI works  *Tuesday September 07, 1999 @05:46AM  1
Re:oh please  *Tuesday September 07, 1999 @04:54AM  1
   attached to The G4 and Apple's Second Coming
Re:What about Alpha?  *Tuesday August 24, 1999 @02:46PM  1
Re:Not really  *Tuesday August 24, 1999 @02:42PM  1
   attached to 3rd Party PPC Machines from IBM specs
Re:um  *Tuesday August 24, 1999 @03:46PM  1
   attached to Wacky port of BSD to Dreamcast set top box
Re:How about the G3?  *Monday August 09, 1999 @08:38AM  1
   attached to Athlon Reviews
Jumpers = Underhood Knowledge???  *Friday July 02, 1999 @01:49PM  1
   attached to iMac Clone Gets Sued
Re:Ugly!  *Wednesday June 30, 1999 @04:59PM  1
   attached to C't NT vs Linux benchmarks : Linux wins

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