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Comment Re:Limited Opera in Federal prison. (Score -1) 54

This is the kind of music Trump plays while writing his daily trolls on Twit-ter.


Opera Shows Off Its Smart New Redesign That's Just Like All the Other Browsers

Because joining the uselessness bandwagon is SMART, Beau. SMAAARRTTT. BeauHD is a smug douchebag millenial who practices autosodomy while posting gay phone reviews on youtube that get marginally more views than kwis weymaw does (like 60 views vs. 5).

Captcha: suck my ballsack, BeauHD!

Da Cum Dumpster Da Beau

Comment Re:Finally something the FCC should enforce (Score -1) 96

I think everyone is forgetting the major thing here: DuckDuckGo sucks balls, and its results are *irrelevant*. DDG and Bing are in a race for the bottom, and Google has flatlined a little south of "meh" for their results.

There would be a TON of money for someone who could create a search engine that didn't suck balls and give pages and pages of wikipedia results and links to amazon.

So what they're doing here is a strawman. Tell the world google sucks and make them focus attention on THAT rather than their own problems.

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