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Comment Re:I'm actually surprised... (Score 1) 77

True, there will never be more Bitcoin created. But inflation has to do with how much of a good can be purchased with a unit of currency. When the price of Bitcoin goes up, that deflates the value, because you need less Bitcoin to purchase the same item before the price changed.

Comment Re:I'm actually surprised... (Score 1) 77

Bitcoin is the best ledger that cannot be stolen, confiscated, censored or inflated.

Two of those are incorrect. Many people have had their Bitcoin stolen, either by trickery, or by force (beating with a hammer to get the password).

If Elon Musk tweets about Bitcoin then the price goes up or down.

Comment Re:Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score 1) 542

Then he is probably right. The gains in security from swapping out the phone every month probably don't justify the cost

Trump is not complaining about the cost of getting a new phone every month. Trump doesn't care about how much money it costs because it's not his money being spent to do it. If that was his argument, then you would have a point.

He is complaining because he is lazy and doesn't want to reconfigure a new phone every month, which I can understand. That is why his security team needs to do all of that for him, so that all they need to do is hand him a new phone that is configured exactly like the old one was, so that he doesn't need to do anything to make the new phone work.

Comment Re:Swap the twitter phone while he sleeps (Score 1) 542

If security gets in the way of the goal, then security is WRONG.

The security they want to do (swapping a phone every month) is not getting in the way of his goal, which is to send tweets. If Trump thinks that swapping a phone every month is inconvenient, then the security team needs to understand what is so inconvenient, and then work to take care of those things so that he is willing to swap the phone out.

Comment Re: Causation (Score 1) 522

Because their shit wont' be stolen or infected with bugs on the streets?

1) If I were someone that wanted to steal stuff from homeless people, would I want to wander down every street looking for a homeless person to steal from, or go to a big house where lots of homeless people are congregated?

2) If you are living on the street, you have probably found your own spot to stay that nobody else is sleeping in. Unless you already have bed bugs, you won't get them from sleeping in your own makeshift bed.

Comment Re:Router? (Score 1) 386


A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.

A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks.[b] When a data packet comes in on one of the lines, the router reads the network address information in the packet to determine the ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey.

A Netgear router, forwards packets from your internal, private IP network, onto the public IP network that connects to your ISP. Therefore, it is a router.

Comment Re:What leverage? (Score 1) 108

Good for some things (play the first 5 levels of my new game) but bad for other things (try out this GPS software that will only get you 80% of the way to your destination until you unlock it).

Lots of app offer free versions that have ads, or limited features. Nobody would make a free GPS that only gets 80% of the way, but they could make the paid version have extra features, like 'remember where my car is parked" or voice navigation.

IMHO, the trial version request is easily worked around.

Comment Re:Lost Productivity (Score 4, Informative) 167

Each USB device is identified independently of each other. If you plug in a USB keyboard that also has a USB port with a flash drive plugged in, the computer will see two different devices and only lock out the flash drive.

If you are suggesting that someone can create a flash drive that the computer thinks is a keyboard, then the computer will not mount the drive to be written to since it knows that it cannot write data to a keyboard.

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