Wake up (pun intended).
If the demand for biofuel is strong enough and the coffee maker gets more for waste coffee ground than it gets for selling coffee to drink, the coffee maker won't bother making the coffee to drink and will sell straight to biodiesel buyer. Thus, price for drinking coffee will go up and you'll have to pay as much as the biodiesel customer for it (if not more).
Precisely! You are supposed to have your own service (which looks like USPS's own, i.e. it offers the same WSDL in case of a web service) and include it as a fall-back option if USPS starts failing too many times. Then, it's really a no-issue because you have several different options from a business perspective:
Ideally, in terms of your own infrastructure or design, your shipping cost services should be abstracted away from vendor-specific APIs so your core sales workflow code calls your own API, which then you implement in various ways. E.g. you end up with 1. UPS, 2. DHL, 3. USPS, 4. your own service). Alternatively, you end up with #1, #2 and #3 only but #3 is designed in such a way that #4 kicks in to replace #3 while #3 continues misbehaving.
This is not too complex, especially if you go for a simpler case, i.e. a formula-based approach.
Of course, from a business perspective, you are facing the decision of whether you're willing to accept some potential loss on a difference in estimated and actual shipping cost while the problem persists or whether you're willing to loose all those orders during the outage.
However, since the carrier is the service provider who failed here, you should be able to justify and negotiate passing on some of that shipping cost difference onto them.
I've always been particularily ticked off by people who use the internet primarily to troll. Its always seemed to be a waste of something more wonderful than the mind, something which hurts and frustrates other people.
That is, until I started doing it myself.
Hmm, for some reason I seem to have gotten some fans.. this is utterly surprising since I've posted total of 4 stories over the 5 years I have been reading
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