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Comment Re:Gender/Racial makeup of the results was behind (Score 1) 115

MS no longer wanted to be associated with competition based on merit because the results indicated that distribution of merit along gender and racial lines was inconsistent with what MS wanted it to be.

Is MS Intel's new initials? Intel's withdrawal is indeed puzzling. But former chairman Craig Barrett offers a possible explanation:

“It’s such a premier event in terms of young people and technology,” Mr. Barrett said. “But they appear to be more interested in applied things, like” Maker Faire, an all-ages event that showcases homemade engineering projects.

Comment Green alternative (Score 1) 279

You may have heard that Apple had a little get together today.

This is news to me! Seriously, anyone who wants to criticize Apple should at least go to the product site for details. I'm not an Apple fan, since I don't like the low fixability quotient of Apple's mobile products. But if you're buying into the iCosystem this might not be a bad idea. You trade in your old iPhone, instead of just letting it gather dust in your closet or worse dirt in a landfill. Let's just hope that Apple really recycles the old phones and not just reexport them to the Third World.

Comment Re:Not on the order of a Sophie's Choice, but... (Score 2) 14

Don't forget the infamous Apple vs. Microsoft copyright infringement case, Microsoft did us a world of good. Imagine where Gnome, KDE, Ubuntu, maybe even Android would be today if Apple had won: goodbye graphical user interface, hello smooth-talking HAL? But until the processing power caught up, the command prompt would rule.

Comment Loopholes in the experiments not the theory (Score 4, Informative) 214

I'm not an quantum physicist, but the loopholes appear to be in the experiments intended to demonstrate the "spookiness" of quantum theory, not the theory itself:

The first Bell test was carried out in 1981, by Alain Aspect’s team at the Institute of Optics in Palaiseau, France. Many more have been performed since, always coming down on the side of spookiness — but each of those experiments has had loopholes that meant that physicists have never been able to fully close the door on Einstein’s view.

Comment Why autoplay? (Score 2) 190

Autoplay is one "feature" I've never understood. Why can't the default be a still image from the video, either taken automatically, the way desktop file managers from Windows to OSX to Gnome and KDE create thumbnails, or uploaded separately by the content creator? Even a pop-up asking you to click to play is better than an autoplay explosion.

Comment Re:What a great idea! (Score 2) 125

My guess is that this will be marketed towards governments to protect capital buildings from drone attacks. Just recently in Japan someone managed to fly a drone with radioactive and onto the roof of the parliament building and left it there for a week before anyone found it.

This is a failure of detection not interception. The laser will only work if somebody first spots the drone.

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