Back in the day we only had telnet and ftp in DOS on some old 286 computers without hard drives, in a Novell network. I could access gopher from telnet and it was decent. Archie for ftp, IRC could be used directly with telnet (I think this is still possible if one is patient enough), lots of MUDs, chat rooms, games (like FIBS). The Internet was very different.
One day I saw on MTV some addresses starting with http, I didn't know what to do with them, telnet would not connect, turns out I needed a "browser" that only worked in Windows (3.1, this was before 1995), so yeah, bad luck, we didn't have that. But there was a way: telnet into and they were running a public version of a primitive text-mode based browser, I think it was an early version of lynx, you could type an URL and then all links were numbered. It generally looked worse than gopher, probably because most sites were expecting a graphic browser, but it was usable with some limitations.
Later, in the 2000s, I tried something called Gopher+, it was an attempt to make gopher more dynamic, but no, it had annoying bugs, didn't refresh the pages properly, and it was a bad idea anyway.
It was nice in its time, but the world has changed.