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Comment Re: Why are there four bright spots on the ring? (Score 1) 41

Because we're not perfectly along the line between the source(es) and the lens, so the light doesn't bend around in a complete circle, but just gets bent. It's nearly impossible to get a perfect ring, as that would require a perfect point source, spherical lens, and extremely lucky positioning. Instead, some spots of the source get bent but not smeared into a circle.

Comment Re: "Authentic, lag-free display capabilities" (Score 1) 119

Lol not, lag on a CRT isn't "measured in nanoseconds." CRTs have an input rate of maybe (at the high end) 200hz. That means every pixel is updated every 5 ms at the very fastest, which is (roughly) the actual input lag of an ideal monitor (the exact minimum number depends on how you define "lag"). Modern LCD displays can get up to 500+ hz with less than 2 ms of lag, which is faster than CRTs. Of course if you're talking only about *processing* lag, sure, CRTs are faster, because they don't *do* any processing. But the practical time between the source updating a pixel and the display actually changing the pixel is faster in a lot of modern monitors than it is with CRTs (note I'm talking mainly about computer monitors, most TVs are pretty bad about... well, everything, and for those input lag is going to be much worse than for a CRT).

Comment Re: Short-range radiation only? (Score 1) 89

Not quite, the short ranged radiation is already beta particles, not alphas (both are short ranged, albeit alphas are shorter). "Batteries" like this convert the beta radiation directly to electricity (beta radiation is, after all, already electricity, in a sense).

Comment Re: I think this was mentioned a few years ago... (Score 2) 89

The 15 joule number is already in terms of electricity. These batteries do direct nuclear-electric conversion through betavoltaic effects (note that such devices already exist commercially, but most use tritium which is very expensive and relatively short lived).

Comment Re: We do know how it works though (Score 3, Informative) 86

You're half right, they're not Markov chains. But OP isn't describing a Markov chain, he's talking about the transformers used in LLM, which use the output tokens from prior steps as an input to probabilistically generate the next token (based on what word is most likely next, given the entire context and training weights).

Comment Re: USB drives to blame (Score 2) 51

You generally wouldn't. Why would you need to upgrade it? The main reason for most systems is security vulnerabilities. That's not an issue if it's properly air gapped. You're certainly not going to trust something like Windows update or aptitude to update the system anyways (those are a *huge* security risk for state-level entities). If it really absolutely needs upgrades, you'd just pull the hard drive, or replace the entire system.

Comment Re: How is a stream of neutrinos generated? (Score 2) 112

These responses are a great example of why LLMs are absolutely godawful for producing factual information, because both are massively inaccurate or just plain wrong. 1) To produce neutrinos you use protons, not electrons (it might technically be possible to use electrons, idk I'm not that kind of physicist, but no one does). 2) you don't smash them together, you hit them against a target. 3) Neutrinos are neutral particles and can't be guided using electromagnetic fields. 4) Momentum conservation means the produced neutrinos have to travel in the *same* direction as the incoming protons, not the opposite.

Comment Re: Strange take (Score 1) 100

You're mistaking funding for income. The source of income is the end user, but funding mostly comes from investors. Income is (generally) what allow a company to sustain itself and keep running in an operating mode. Funding OTOH allows the company to setup and explore new avenues for income, which in this case means setting up mines/wells/etc, which is far more destructive (long term) for the environment than simply keeping existing projects running. Income can be used as a source of funding, in some cases, but it's a lot harder and scarcer, as investors usually demand the profits in return for their investment. The point of pushing for divestiture is mostly to limit the *expansion* of fossil fuel usage (which is sustained primarily by investors), and not to restrict or reduce current usage (which is sustained primarily by users, not investors). Obviously there are efforts to limit usage as well, but that's done through different means (like fuel efficiency, emissions standards, EV tax credits, etc ).

Comment Re:Was any existing encryption actually broken? (Score 1) 52

That said, one obvious concern in the other direction is that the encryption schemes which we are hoping to be resistant to quantum computing based attacks have had much less attention given to them (in part due to them simply being much younger), and thus we have less certainty that they are even classically good encryption. And we've had now multiple examples of supposedly quantum resistant algorithms being cracked by completely classical methods. See for example : So switching to these new algorithms may be creating new vulnerabilities to deal with a threat that has not yet substantially emerged.

Which is why no one is suggesting moving to a post-quantum algorithm alone. What Chrome is implementing is a hybrid key exchange, ML-KEM768+X25519 (the X25519 part is a standard elliptical curve cypher). Unless your implementation is absolutely terrible, you can't decrease security by layering on multiple encryption schemes, so even if ML-KEM is no more secure than ROT13, it still won't introduce any new vulnerability.

Comment Re:"Half of all people have below-average IQ" (Score 2) 84

That's mostly meant as a joke, but it is also true.

That would only be true if intelligences were evenly distributed across the curve, which they are not. But thanks for proving the point so far as it goes, anyway.

Actually it's true for any symmetric distribution. IQ happens to be normally distributed (by construction: the underlying raw scores are mapped to a normal distribution, though I suspect the underlying scores are themselves probably normal as well), which is very much symmetric. So, you know, maybe don't cast shade on other peoples' intelligence while making a false claim of your own?

Comment Re: This doesn't make a lot of sense (Score 3, Informative) 71

The mere existence of other app stores is not enough to say Google is not a monopoly, if those other stores have negligible market presence. Googles monopoly then became illegal when engaged in anticompetitive behavior with their monopoly (monopolies are not inherently illegal unless abused somehow). What *should* happen (and should have happened a decade ago) is Google being split up. But what they'll end up getting is a fairly minor slap on the wrist in a field they only marginally care about as a prop to their real business of ad sales.

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