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Comment Remember the DotCom boom - and bust (Score 1) 44

Get ready for another big bust. AI is a buzzword at the moment. Some companies have difficulties applying 1990's technology, let alone 2020's technology. Most (but not all) AI project will come to naught until the technology becomes "business as usual" (like the Internet) not a special sauce for success.

Comment Useless Law (Score 1) 112

In the UK when they wanted to make shipping safer, they introduced a law saying every ship must have a line painted on the ship to prevent overloading. The ship could not have a load so large that the line was under water. The ship owners reacted by painting the line ON THE FUNNEL. Of course, such as line was useless and it was only when the Pimsoll Line location was formally defined that this has any effect. Advertise a position - salary range is from $1-$10,000,000 per year,

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