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Comment RF on planes? (Score 0, Troll) 198

I thought they explicitly banned RF devices from being operated on planes for "security reasons"?

Did they also make a whole bunch of changes to the plane or did they actually test to see if it would cause any harm (like the FAA prevented the MythBusters from doing).

I for one can't wait to fall out of the sky because some 12 year old needs to download his pr0n faster, so he brings a yagi on the plane.

The Courts

Submission + - Should I worry about my employment contract?

An anonymous reader writes: I was preparing to accept a software developer job at a California company and was put off by the contract which claimed ownership of any ideas I create (on my own time or at the company) during my stay at the company and required me to inform them of any ideas (related to the company or not) during my employment and for a year afterwards. I found references to a couple instances where this became a legal problem for the developer. Is this something to worry about?

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
