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Comment Missing the point entirely (Score 2) 100

If you read the original article in Nature you soon find the core of the issue: "The first is that many if not most standard assessment systems globally do not reward an understanding of reasoning — that is, how a particular result was arrived at (the stories behind the maths and science). They reward a mastery of the method and an ability to get the right answer. Second, relatively few teachers are skilled at teaching reasoning and describing maths through storytelling, and of those, even fewer teach students from low-income families." Mathematics is a study in patterns, and reasoning. Not in getting the answer to artificial problems, or mastering the huge number of tricks that seem to make up mats "textbooks". If you aren't teaching understanding, you have failed. If your students don't ever experience finding a pattern you have failed. If you think that memorisation has any value in a maths classroom, you have failed.

Comment Re:Critical moment my smelly rear-end. (Score 1) 100

This sort of reasoning has handicapped the learning of mathes for centuries. Subjects gett taught in silos for logistical reasons, but don't exist in silos.And knowing tricks to "do" mathematics is not related in any way to understanding the subject. Focussing on getting the answer is the exact opposite of what we should be doing: which is understanding and generating maths. If a student can spot a pattern - such as perentages are commutative - they are far better at maths than someone doing mental arithmetic quickly. [commutative percentages: a% of b is the same as b% of a.]

Comment Report is not very accurate! (Score 3, Informative) 164

The reporting of this change is not at all accurate, almost everywhere.
The redirection of Marsden Fund money is a fact. But many other funding sources, both government and non-governent,still exist.
For example: - $315 million of research every year through the PBRF
- The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment lists 19 other funds available for research
- Ministry for Social Development has funding available for social science research
- The Health Research Council has funding available for health research.

There are plenty of other governrment, business and privately backed funds.

The reigning in of the Marsden Fund, to focus on its original mission, trims only a small amount of funding from increasingly vacuous research areas.

Comment Microsoft don't understand email. (Score 2) 13

Microsoft do not, never have, understood basic principles of writing and reading useful, understandable email. For example, right now my Outlook account (personal, not administered by anyone other than MS) has marked two emails as spam. Both are from Microsoft Feedback, and about CoPilot (which I have no opinions of as I have resoultly avoided any contact with it). Now if a company cannot recognise its own email ....

Comment Re: The vendor failed Security 101 (Score 1) 78

Once found that a newly installed system was running windows server. Administrator password was administratir. Sql server admin password was administrator. Vendor claimed the system couldn't work without those very passwords. Until i told him he was getting it all back. The code had to be rewritten in a hurry. This system was used to control swipe cards giving access to the dozen buildings.

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