Comment Re:Sorry Netbook wins still (Score 1) 1010
I completely agree with the parent.
I am going to take a liberty here and assume something, while trying to be honest and not a troll: if you're reading this website, the iPad is probably not targeted toward you.
A reoccurring narrative within the content presented on slashdot are progressive ideas, suggestions, fixes, hardhacks that can allow for a greater level of user customization and control. By its very nature (and a key marketing point to many Apple products) the iPad is the opposite of this. The iPad does not allow for advanced customization or unintended user control (non-removable battery, no CD/DVD drive, limited RAM/HD space, etc).
Instead, you need to think of the iPad as an appliance, like a refrigerator or vacuum. These devices are A) often found throughout the house B) do one thing at a time. The iPad is the software/hardware equivalent of this as shown by its lowered price (for Apple standards), simplified interface, and inability to multitask program and its sole purpose is to do one thing at a time.
If you can't get by now who the target market is for this product, you're not the target demographic as the parent stated.