Journal AsnFkr's Journal: My interview with the President
Me: Mr President, whats it like to know you are the most powerful man in the world...you know...besides Batman.
Mr President: I'm pretty sure in a brawl I could kick the crap out of Batman.
Me: I'm not sure I agree with you there. I mean, Batman has that batass utility belt. What if he is packing anti-douche spray?! You'd be fucked...seriously!
Mr President: Are you calling me a douche?!
Me: Would you agree that if you were as rich and powerful as Bill Gates you'd build a batcave and pretend that you're batman?
Mr President:
Me: No no, you suck. I'm pretty sure batman could hand you your ass even as mild-mannerd Bill Gates, lacking batass utility belt and all.
Mr President: Can we talk about anything but Bill Gates?
Me: I see you have a boner.
Mr President: That will happen.
Me: That will happen.
Mr President: Is that a question?
Me: Is that a question?
Mr President: Oh...haha..I get it..Super Troopers! haha!! "FARVA"S NUMBER ONE!!!"
Me: Hell yea, nigga.
Mr President: Ever kissed a man before?
Me: A couple of ti...hey, I'm the one with the questions...Mr Fancy Pants!
Mr President: Oh yea...my bad. Go ahead.
Me: So....ever kissed a man?
Mr President: Not yet, but I have homo-erotic thoughts when I'm fucking my hot ass drunk daughters in their gravy flumes.
Me: Really?
Mr President: No, they arent hot. And they smell kinda weird....like Jason Alexander was all up in them.
Me: Word on the street is he's been selling his crotch sent as a rare perfume to stupid celebirties. Do you think you're a stupid celeberty?
Mr President: Yes.
Me: I agree.
Mr President: What?
Me: On to my next question....you really only blew up Iraq cause it's full of brown people, right?
Mr President: I fucking HATE brown people! They smell so weird...and hae those dots...the fucking dots look like a laser scope aimed just right to fuck them out of thier brains! I mean...they are practically *begging* to be killed! And they are the color of poop! What the FUCK is up with that?!
Me: Dude, you're on fucking crack.
Mr President: Yea, want some?
Me: Kinda...
Mr President: Ok, finish this Pepsi. Then smoosh the can down and poke some holes in it. Ill get some mesh wire and we will have a badass crack pipe.
Me: THats kinda....weird....
Mr President: Nah, the mesh works good. Here, I've got some in my pocket.
Me: Dude, are you gonna get me stoned and rape me?
Mr President: Im not gonna promise I won't.
Me: Dude, you are way fucking cooler than Vince Neil. That fuckin guys a dickface.
Mr President: He's got hot hips. I'd hit it.
Me: Word up.
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My interview with the President
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