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Comment Re:This is what I like about Microsoft (Score -1, Troll) 118

Wouldn't GoOooogle also fit into that category?

Google doesn't really innovate or do any research. The closest you get is the 20% time they give to engineers (note that not for other personnel). In fact, the only real products Google has made in-house are their search engine and gmail. Everything else (YouTube, Google Earth, Maps, Android) have been buy-outs of startups or copied, like Google+.

Comment Re:Run your own NTP if it matters (Score 1, Insightful) 290

How would that change anything? It just makes all the clocks on the hospital go wrong when it starts to move to wrong times on the NTP server. Updating it from public sources is out of question too. Think about someone injecting completely wrong time to the hospital.

What about good old solution comparing separate clocks?

Comment NTP and hospitals (Score -1, Troll) 290

The easy solution that devices could have used since 1985? NTP.

Holy hell, what about no? There's a huge reason why hospitals try to keep off networks, especially public ones. Do you really want to connect all the timing devices in a hospital to an outside public server? Because running it yourself does no good, it can just fuck up all the devices in the hospital.

Sometimes the ideas non-thinking geeks come up truly scare me.

Comment Re:So that's really why he gave up his citizenship (Score 5, Informative) 445

He renounced his citizenship because he hasn't lived in the US in 4 years and was tired of paying taxes to the US for money he was making working in Singapore, which isn't that unreasonable.

The USA is actually the only first world country that even taxes their people while they are living overseas. For example in my country you don't need to pay any taxes back home if you live in another country for more than 6 months.

Comment Re:Wwwaaaahhhhhhh (Score 1) 445

And see what those guys are crying about - that people have started to use Facebook more via mobile phone and that Facebook actually provides good service!

It's not like they're going to carry computers with them in buses and trains anyway, it just means increased usage and therefore more active social network, which is only good. And who says you can't advertise on mobile phones? Android has a huge advertising going on.And see what those guys are crying about - that people have started to use Facebook more via mobile phone and that Facebook actually provides good service!

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