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Comment Speaking of IP and China, huge GPL infringement (Score 1) 89

The affected software is called cgminer. The infringers, multi million dollar Chinese asic miner companies called Bitmain, MicroBT and others. They ship their asic miners with it bundled, it cannot work with their hardware without modifying it, and it cannot be shipped to customers without releasing their modifications in source code which they never do, thus the clause 8 (Termination) applies. This has been going for years now, but nobody does nothing. There are even American public traded companies openly using this infringing software in their operations, did the shareholders ever find out?. Where is the EFF, and the FSF? Everyone looks the other way while mining coins using pirate software earning them millions and millions of dollars they could have used to develop their own. These Chinese companies even operate in US soil like nothing. Where are the lawsuits?

Comment Re:Steam is part of the problem (Score 1) 21

By bundling them with dosbox which is not theirs. Dosbox has made old msdos games (and some programs) work in Linux for decades, before GoG even existed. Dosbox doesn't particularly care where it runs, and such travesty as running it in windows or elsewhere works. The contribution of GoG here is... presets? Look at what Steam does in comparison, their Wine fork Proton, their Linux portable, etc.

There is also the very excellent ScummVM for a bunch of games which is even better than a dos emulation, mostly sierra/lucas adventure types.

Comment Re:So "Next Gen" specs or the usual? (Score 1) 27

Think of it as upgrading your smartphone. They are using the very same architecture: arm/nvidia. Gone are the days of custom hardware, what you enjoy from them now is their OS/shop and games. Valve's Deck is the same concept but x86_64 running Arch Linux. Maybe the time is near when we will see RISC-V instead.

Comment Venezuela (Score 1) 153

Light oil is much cheaper to refine.

The situation with Venezuela is sad, the previous administration took a debt so tall it left the country basically indentured to China. Its a 60 billion dollar debt which is only paid in crude oil, terribly slowly, and the worse the price market (which for Venezuela it is $10 less than West Texas) the longer the payment (if ever).
In addition, the current administration is so inept they let the production fall under a million barrel per day, where in other hands it would have been 6 million by now (it was 3 million 2 decades ago).

As for the refining comments, its is important to remember that gasoline requires an extra (expensive) additive not needed for diesel, so reducing gasoline demand does in fact benefit/simplify the refinery as it doesn't need to dedicate space for gasoline anymore. The second largest in the world for heavy crude is in Venezuela, Paraguana but of course the current inept administration has ran it to the ground forcing the import of this gasoline additive, formerly produced there, which is a tremendous loss being the most subsided gasoline in the world and of course the last country to ever think of EVs (and yet motorists are forced to spend hours in a wait line to fill tanks the socialist way, rationed and often low/unknown quality).

Historically, the only reason its even called "gasoline" is because it was invented to replace the gas in gas lamps...

Comment But why? (Score 1) 248

What is the point in forcing people to commute when most of the time working from home/anywhere is good enough?

It is as if the company needed traffic jams and wasted (unpaid) hours in their human plaintiff coming and going everyday (and the added stress). Especially with American suburbia...

I happen to work from home because I'm in a country with a broken economy, which makes me a cheaper hire. In turn, i earn much more there than i could in any local company.

To me not having to commute to the workplace adds value, meaning, i rather earn a bit less than having to commute. I used to waste 3~4 hours a day commuting for a much lower paid IT job, well, not anymore.

Because its a free market, from now on i simply value companies with the choice of working from home higher than the others. Remember, it works both ways: They can choose whom to hire, but you can also choose where to work. Or work independent/freelance, etc.

Look at it from another point of view. You are limiting your company to less valuable candidates by lowering the area of coverage (distance). What if there is a much more skilled person that happens to live farther away? If anything, work from home would give you better choice while work from office limit you to the smaller radius of commuting distance.

If you force people to live close to the company, then you saturate the local market which makes your employees spend more in rent etc. Yes, that was the only day back then, but not anymore. Some people can just live rural cheaply than live in a costly polluted city.

And, won't the company even spend money renting office space that could be just avoided entirely? Or maybe have a single floor instead of a whole building. I mean, you could have some physical meetings from time to time, but you don't need to force people be going in and out of your building for no particular reason than to see them in person like one day of the week/month, when they could perfectly work +90% from home.

Comment AI needs guidance (Score 1) 51

The AI needs guidance, and this is exactly what needs to be done. An Editor that tells it to do it again differently. Basically everyone using AI assisted tools are doing this, you keep guiding the AI until you start seeing results you like (approve). Only later after a very solid long run of good results, is when you can start thinking of omitting the editor.

Clearly they thought they could axe everyone at once, not yet. AI is only ready after you train it well, like you would with humans.

Comment Vote with your wallet (Score 1) 79

Make sure you don't buy any games that don't work at least with wine/proton. Sometimes the games are not marked as such, but do work. Unfortunately in those cases you need to ask in their community of maybe somebody in the reviews says it.

There is no excuse for devs not to tests their games work at least with proton so they can get the steam/linux mark.
Ignore the winlosers, be patient and disciplined and you too can change the world.

Comment Copyright is obsolete (Score 1, Interesting) 57

It was already past its time before AI, but now AI can easily make derivatives "inspired" but not identical to the others. And what takes a human produce 1 work, AI will do a million, driving the price to near zero. Resistance is futile...

People should ask the opinion of the most famous unknown composer of our time: Kevin MacLeod of which is basically a human version of what soon AI will do to music.

"Give me a song with this mood like this composer... done, here are 1 million permutations, which ones do you like?" an so on. Like Stable Diffusion, etc is already doing with pictures and voices...

I don't care if artists are scared, neo-luddism won't remove AI. Some talented humans will guide it until they don't need the guidance anymore.

Comment Lese majeste (Score 1) 159

This is a very old human tradition: Monarchies. Its not even related to Islam. You just can't say anything against royalty, period. You are inferior to royalty, you are a subject. You don't talk back to royalty, they are the sovereign ruler and you are their possession to do with you whatever they see fit. Be thankful if you can have some life. It is even worse in some countries that proclaim to not be a monarchy but are like one in reality. At least there you knew in advance that whatever freedoms you may have, do not include the royalty. And this is why there were revolutions in some places that got rid of it and put precisely that stuff in their constitutions. This is not one of those places.

Comment Resistance is futile... (Score 2, Insightful) 56

Ban it all you want, the whole point of AI is to become indistinguishable from human, the so called Turing test.

So all they are doing, is validating the AI. It is a race to see who can fool the censors the most. There is no turning back, now in its infancy, you may be able to spot it, but not for long...

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