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Comment Re:Actual Details Needed (Score 1) 65

I was at Chernobyl recently with tours to Chernobyl and I would not say that the radiation is gone completely, but a lot has changed even over the past few decades. There are pockets of radiation of course, but I think that sooner or later the nature will be cleaned up and it will be possible to live there peacefully. So the post is interesting and conspiracy theories are cool, but you need to check the information)

Comment Why not (Score 1) 73

Well, why not) I like Uber's policy like other companies. They only provide the opportunity to work in a taxi, so this is quite normal. Monitoring of employees is generally at their best) I also installed a solution for my employees from Worktime affiliate program and no one had any questions. I must know what they do during the working day) And yes, they also work remotely for me and are essentially the same contractors as Uber taxi drivers.

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