Comment Re:Chrome vs IE (Score 3, Interesting) 212
Firefox nightly has a very fast pdf reader built in, so if you wait long enough it will make it to the ESR.
Firefox nightly has a very fast pdf reader built in, so if you wait long enough it will make it to the ESR.
Methane is generated by anaerobic processes. You wouldn't pump air in to generate methane; you'd just collect it as it built up as bacteria turned solid and liquid waste into the gas.
I had a similar experience. My laptop wouldn't suspend or hibernate, and their response was just "huh, that's odd." Then they stopped replying to email.
I've had better luck with their desktops. I needed a new desktop for my grandmother *now* and didn't want to get her a windows one, and she loves the one we got from them.
There are lots of other voting systems that would reduce this problem. My favorite is approval voting for its simplicity and good qualities, but lots of other methods would be leagues ahead of what we use today, from Instant Runoff, to the suite of Condorcet methods to range voting.
There was a bill in NH in January to introduce approval voting (the motivation was probably to strengthen tea party candidates without hurting republicans), but it was voted "inexpedient to legislate," which a brief investigation tells me means "not going to be brought to the floor."
This may or may not affect your purchasing decision.
Nobody is arguing against protecting a specific implementation of an algorithm (although copyright already provides this protection).
The problem is that when you patent an algorithm, you don't just patent that expression of that idea, like you do with a book or a power drill. You patent all the expressions of that idea. It would be like writing a book on some topic, and then owning the rights to all books on that topic until the patent runs out. You own a whole chunk of the language, every possible expression of you idea, not just the particular one you came up with.
Likewise, when you patent an algorithm, you have patented an entire (admittedly fairly confined) branch of mathematics, having to do with expressions of that algorithm. This is distasteful, and, as the current software patent climate has shown, has terrible chilling effects on the software industry as a whole.
True conservatives want the crony capitalism cut off
True liberals want this too. In fact, I don't think you'll find anybody not paid to think otherwise who claims crony capitalism is a good thing.
If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.