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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 2 accepted (6 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - China heralds Year of the Fluorescent Green Pig

Apocalypse111 writes: Chinese scientists have successfully bred partially green fluorescent pigs which they hope will boost stem cell research. A research team at the Northeast Agricultural University in Harbin managed to breed three transgenic pigs by injecting fluorescent green protein into embryonic pigs, Xinhua quoted Professor Liu Zhonghua as saying. "The mouth, trotters and tongue of the pigs are green under ultraviolet light," said Liu.

Finally, one step closer to realizing my dream of green eggs and ham!

Submission + - NK sample shows no radiation

Apocalypse111 writes: According to CNN.com, air samples taken over North Korea have not yet found any radiation from the event on Monday that NK claims was a nuclear test. This is not definitive proof that the event was non-nuclear, as it may either have been so small and deep that it did not let any radioactive debris escape, or perhaps the North Koreans sealed the site. The article even mentions the possibility that it was conventional explosives. Personally, my money is on the theory that a few million North Koreans got together and yelled, "BOOM!".

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