Microsoft ended up buying just the handset business for $7.2 billion and licensed HERE maps from Nokia.
"These particles cannot travel through the atmosphere to harm humans on Earth, but they can affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground," NASA officials explained in a statement. [Solar Max Photos: Sun Storms of 2013]
Wednesday's solar storm erupted just 21 hours after another powerful coronal mass ejection (NASA calls them CMEs) on Tuesday (Aug. 20). That solar tempest also sent billions of tons of solar particles on their way to Earth.
So maybe if you have satellite TV you'll see a few spotty moments, but nothing to worry about.
"There's a lot of 'over my dead body.'"
I wonder how that really works out, in the long-run. What if you're an online start-up, with little legal know-how? Are you really going to resist demands from such a high level?
A formal parsing algorithm should not always be used. -- D. Gries