Comment Re:"Smackdown" (Score 1) 294
The real "smackdown" should be that most slashdot users should be able to craft a pretty nice blog out of php and mysql alone. This isn't difficult stuff to do. The best I can tell that's what most big sites like tech-recipes do.
Even if you are going to use one of these blogging tools, why limit yourself to the default code. You are the most geeky of the gurus! Hack the crap out of that code. These are in easy php code. Use their work as a building point... and rip out your own version of it.
What the heck has slashdot come to?
Even if you are going to use one of these blogging tools, why limit yourself to the default code. You are the most geeky of the gurus! Hack the crap out of that code. These are in easy php code. Use their work as a building point... and rip out your own version of it.
What the heck has slashdot come to?