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Comment Re:I get annoyed as hell with shit like this (Score 1) 548

Give it time. Some jackass will fire up a class action lawsuit about that too. I swear the whole planet is going tits up. People can give you up-to-the-minute updates of who the Kardashians are fucking, but they can't be arsed to spend a few minutes researching to educate themselves a little.

Comment I use Comcast Business (Score 1) 243

In the northeast I pay about $150/month for 50/10 down/up, one IPv4 static IP, and unlimited local and long distance with no data caps. No port blocks either. The speed varies of course, but most days it's closer to 60/15. Overall quality of service is much better than residential, and that includes the phone support. I'm probably an outlier, but value for the money is there. I could get a fatter pipe through residential for about half, but I have no reason, technical or otherwise, to switch.

Comment I think this whole idea stinks (Score 2, Interesting) 87

So let me get this straight:

1. The risk that it will stifle innovation is outweighed by the need to regulate
2. Every stakeholder operates within the US
3. The US is not in the top 10 countries of origin for IoT-based attacks

Based on those three points it sounds more like a "business plan" to start collecting regulatory fees to provide yet another false flag of security. That's just what we need here in the US, another group of unelected bureaucrats sitting in a room thinking about ways to protect us from a threat they know nothing about. Sure, "experts" will be involved but I would be willing to bet following the money leads back to donors and/or lobbyists. Do vendors and end users need to get smarter about security? Yes. Do I think this will do anything to prevent DDoS attacks? No. This won't fix anything. It will only add to the cost of IoT devices to consumers and put billions into the government's coffers to waste.

Comment Thanks Rob, and good luck! (Score 1) 1521

I've been stopping by, and occasionally posting, for over 10 years. I think my favorite Slashdot memory was setting up Slashcode for a local ISP. That jump started my Linux SysAdmin career and I never looked back. I've always been able to find a good read here and I hope that continues. Best of luck on whatever path you choose in the future!

Comment Empire Building (Score 1) 177

I think this just fits in with the corporate IT empire building that has been going on lately. HP and Dell just finished a bidding war for 3PAR and now Oracle is making noise about "their" updated kernel. Just another enterprise IT infrastructure trying to stake its claim.

Comment Re:Environmentalism (Score 1) 593

It isn't fashionable to accept that this is just an accident. For over a decade the mass media and certain member of the U.S. government have been working overtime demonizing big corporations and the wealthy. This is just another opportunity for them to attack "big money" because, hey, it's their greed that caused this, right? Like every other disaster, someone will step forward and use this as political leverage to push their agenda. I find it ironic how so many people will scream bloody murder if the government sidesteps due process even a little bit but when something like this happens these same people want the same government to step in and crucify anyone within arm's reach; shoot first and ask questions later, if there is a photo opportunity.

Comment Re:Not a problem (Score 1) 139

Society has been conditioned to think the government needs to take care of everything. We become more of a nanny state with each passing day because a select few refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. These same people want the government to protect us from ourselves for our own good. Bad people will do bad things, that's a fact of life. Hell, good people do bad things sometimes too. Oh well, my opinion matters not. Give them a few years and they will turn the Internet into another over-regulated mess that will suck on levels previously unheard of.

Comment Re:The people's will (Score 1) 260

It's not how the government is supposed to work according to the Constitution but Obama doesn't seem to care. He seems more interested in making marks in future history books than following the oath he took when he was sworn into office. I can't say his predecessor was any different. Too many politicians and not enough legislators. The sad thing is, I'm not sure we can fix it.


How To Replace FileVault With EncFS 65

agoston.horvath writes "I've written a HOWTO on replacing Mac OS X's built-in encryption (FileVault) with the well-known FUSE-based EncFS. It worked well for me, and most importantly: it is a lot handier than what Apple has put together. This is especially useful if you are using a backup solution like Time Machine. Includes Whys, Why Nots, and step-by-step instructions."

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