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Comment Re:The banks are the real problem in the USA (Score 1) 269

I actually think there's a different reason why some people don't use a bank account. They "kept off the grid" to avoid paying things like alimony, child support, taxes, and court settlements from previous debts. If they open an account and deposit anything it'll be taken. I've heard that welfare is protected from being garnished but I'm not sure how that works; but I doubt many of the recipients do either.
The check cashing places is a different issue but I totally agree with you. You can cash most checks at Walmart.

Comment Always look on the bright side of life (Score 1) 235

Say what you want but there are positives about this:
1) they're being upfront with their intentions (though I still don't trust them)
2) If they can make money after the purchase of the TV then they have less incentive to design it will intentional obsolescence. (my biggest concern of any smart TV)
3) It may lower the price of TV's
4) I'm confident that while most people won't know how to block the ad-tracking, I'll still be able to allow the TV access to Netflix only and nothing else.

Comment Re:This will end badly (Score 1) 60

I haven't looked into it but you should be able to register multiple keys. I have three yubikeys linked to LastPass, my google account and anything else that I can link them to. My wife keeps one, I keep one and my safety deposit box keeps one. Of coarse, these aren't meant to replace a password, just augment it.

Comment Re:MongoDB is webscale (Score 5, Insightful) 130

I don't understand why Oracle even exists given my experience with it.

Because it's a damn good database. The question isn't about it's capabilities, it's whether it's worth the cost. As for their other products I agree with you; it's way too sluggish. But I believe Amazon was just using their database.

Now Amazon moving away from Oracle is a good thing; as servers get faster and the open source alternatives get better Oracle's database is losing it's foothold. I for one won't be sad to see that happen.

Comment Re:...feels wrong... (Score 1) 137

I've met several people who supported the repeal and all of them for the same reason; the belief that internet access would be cheaper if ISP's didn't have the regulation to "bog them down". Not all of them were ignorant of technology either. It's for this reason I also suspect the 99% figure.

Comment All sensor data should be made public (Score 4, Insightful) 82

After any accident all sensor data should be made public so that it can then be used to further train AI systems. If it's not a law then companies will keep it to themselves so that they can only improve their AI and not their competitors. The net result is that different companies' AI's will have to "learn the same lesson" multiple times instead of once.

Comment Re:Journalists. (Score 1) 133

You are right that it is a journalist's job to form a story that people will read. It's a flawed system. However, alvinrod is also correct that for many it is the most accurate way get information. Even if you know someone on the inside then you have to asses how trustworthy they are. It's also likely they could lose their job if they talked about something like this to someone on the outside.

I find that I usually end up taking in data from multiple sources to form an opinion. I also found a website,, that tries to match publications up with the story in an attempt to balance out the polarization: e.g. showing the left, right and center story.

Comment Re:The left continues to go batshit over Kavanaugh (Score 1) 729

I disagree. A typical person should get upset, assuming the accusation is false. But a supreme court justice is one of the very few exception where I don't want their emotions to dictate their behavior. In other words, I want them to be more like Spock and less Kirk.

Comment Re:STEM jobs (Score 1) 370

You're missing the point. I'm saying that it's totally rational for someone to choose to shovel sludge rather then work in sales or marketing. People are different and not all people are motivated by money. Here, watch this TED talk by Mike Rowe about Dirty Jobs:

Comment Re:STEM jobs (Score 1) 370

In reality, sales and marketing at tech companies make as much or more as STEM people.

But these are not the same fields and attract very different personalities. I would rather shovel sludge in sewers then work in sales or marketing. Not that I have anything against those fields; but cold calling or schmoozing people to me is not something I enjoy.

However, I will make the argument that for a larger proportion of women the opposite is true. Thus it has more to do with what you enjoy and less to do with how much you get paid. I also believe this is one of the big contributing factors to why women, on average, make less then men for the same job; they tend to care more about the job and what they're doing then the actual pay while men are quicker to focus on the pay. (just my opinion)

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