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The Internet

Submission + - Four Root DNS Servers Go IPv6 On February 4th

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes: "On February 4th, IANA will add AAAA records for the IPv6 addresses of the four root servers. With this transition, it will finally be possible for two internet hosts to communicate without using IPv4 at all. Certain obsolete software may face compatibility problems due to the change, but those issues are addressed in an ICANN report [PDF]."
United States

Submission + - Scanning All Travelers Crossing US Borders Now in (

conlaw writes: Just the first paragraph of this Washington Post article is scary as all getout:

The federal government disclosed details yesterday of a border-security program to screen all people who enter and leave the United States, create a terrorism risk profile of each individual and retain that information for up to 40 years.
Note that this includes "all people," including US citizens.

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If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley
